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(Data for Arkansas not available)

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1 (Data for Arkansas not available)
How does a party’s percentage of the vote received translate into its percentage of seats? U.S. House 2016 Votes (Data for Arkansas not available) % Votes Seats % Seats Democratic 61,148,021 48.19% 194 44.6 Republican 62,283,315 49.08% 241 55.4 Other 3,464,825 2.73%

2 Votes Translated to Seats
What percentage of each party’s vote in a state is cast for winning candidates? Democrats who won compared to Democrats who lost SC 2016: Clyburn (W) vs. Cherny, Bjorn, Cleveland, Fedalei, Person, Hyman (L) Republicans who won compared to Republicans who lost SC 2016: Sanford, Wilson, Duncan, Gowdy, Mulvaney, Rice (W) vs. Sterling (L) What percentage of the vote for winners in a state is cast for each party’s candidates? Democrats who won compared to Republicans who won Clyburn vs. Sanford, Wilson, Duncan, Gowdy, Mulvaney, Rice Democrats who lost compared to Republicans who lost Cherny, Bjorn, Cleveland, Fedalei, Person, Hyman vs. Sterling

3 Votes Translated to Seats
The greater the percentage of the party vote cast for candidates who win, the more efficiently the party vote is distributed (a sign of an effective partisan districting plan) The greater the percentage of the vote for winners cast for each party’s candidates, the more seats the party wins even if it doesn’t directly correlate with the raw vote cast for the party

4 North Carolina US House Elections 2012
District D R Other Win Win % 1 254,644 77,288 6,134 75.32% 2 128,973 174,066 9,358 55.72% 3 114,314 195,571 63.11% 4 259,534 88,951 74.47% 5 148,252 200,945 57.54% 6 142,267 222,116 60.96% 7 168,695 168,041 50.10% 8 137,139 160,695 4,446 53.16% 9 171,503 194,537 9,650 51.78% 10 144,023 190,826 56.99% 11 141,107 190,319 57.42% 12 247,591 63,317 79.63% 13 160,115 210,495 56.80% Total 2,218,157 2,137,167 29,588 9 R, 4 D 50.59% 48.74%

5 North Carolina US House Elections 2012
District D R Other Win Win % 12 247,591 63,317 79.63% 1 254,644 77,288 6,134 75.32% 4 259,534 88,951 74.47% 3 114,314 195,571 63.11% 6 142,267 222,116 60.96% 5 148,252 200,945 57.54% 11 141,107 190,319 57.42% 10 144,023 190,826 56.99% 13 160,115 210,495 56.80% 2 128,973 174,066 9,358 55.72% 8 137,139 160,695 4,446 53.16% 9 171,503 194,537 9,650 51.78% 7 168,695 168,041 50.10% Total 2,218,157 2,137,167 29,588 9 R, 4 D 50.59% 48.74%

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