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Bellringer Which part of the country supported the Democratic candidate in the 2008 election? Which part supported the Republican candidate?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Which part of the country supported the Democratic candidate in the 2008 election? Which part supported the Republican candidate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Which part of the country supported the Democratic candidate in the 2008 election? Which part supported the Republican candidate?

2 Citizenship Unit—4 Part—1 Pgs.—

3 Before—Guess the Lesson
End Before—Guess the Lesson

4 Guess the Lesson—Possible Answers
Democrats and Republicans Third Parties Independents Other Country Governments Political Parties Communism Vietnam

5 Learning Goals ALCOS #12:Describe how the United States can be improved by individual and group participation in civic and community activities. Goal: Tell me how political parties were established and function today in government.

6 End Read—Pgs Read from “Growth of American Parties” through “Party Differences” then STOP. 3’s: Key Term Keeper (Make sure you have every key term defined.) 1’s : Key Fact Keeper (Find at least 3 key facts for each part of our lesson.) 2’s: Summarizer (Summarize each part of our lesson, 3 sentences for each summary.)

7 The leaders who wrote the Constitution did not support the idea of political parties, fearing that divisions between parties would weaken the nation. However, by the late 1700s, two groups had formed to compete for political power. These groups had different ideas about the role of government. Alexander Hamilton and his followers formed the Federalist Party, which favored a strong national government. Thomas Jefferson and his followers formed the Democratic-Republican Party, which supported more power for the states.

8 Parties formed and reformed in the early years, until the Democrats and Republicans emerged as the major parties. Today the United States has a two-party political system. Third parties appear from time to time to promote specific issues or candidates, but a third-party candidate has never been elected to the presidency.

9 In other countries, two-party systems are rare
In other countries, two-party systems are rare. Many democracies have three or more parties. Some nations, such as China, have one-party systems, which are not democratic.

10 End QARs Who created the Democratic-Republican Party?
What type of political party system does the US have today? How often would you see a two party system in the world today?

11 End Read—Pgs Read from “Organization of Political Parties” through “Acting as a Watchdog” then STOP. Lesson Outline: Reading the pages listed above, create a lesson outline using the following template. I. Heading for lesson goes here. A. Important information regarding the lesson goes here. 1. Key Facts and Vocabulary goes here. 2. “ “ “ “ “ “ - Other/smaller information goes here. B. Important information regarding the lesson goes here.

12 Each party has a national committee that raises money for presidential campaigns and organizes the party’s national convention. The national convention launches the party’s presidential campaign and builds party unity. State committees work to elect party candidates to state offices and national offices.

13 Precincts are the election districts in cities and towns.
A local party organization that becomes so strong its candidates win year after year is called a political machine. Today, most people think this is harmful.

14 End QARs What event launches a political party’s campaign?
If a political party becomes so strong that it’s candidates win year after year, what is it called?

15 End QAR Answers Who created the Democratic-Republican Party?
Thomas Jefferson What type of political party system does the US have today? Two Party System How often would you see a two party system in the world today? Rarely What event launches a political party’s campaign? National Convention If a political party becomes so strong that it’s candidates win year after year, what is it called? Political Machine

16 End After—3-2-1 You are to write(on your job work paper)…
3—New things learned 2—New Key Terms 1—Question you still have

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