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BASF 4.0: Cellasto MVP Front End - Kick-Off Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "BASF 4.0: Cellasto MVP Front End - Kick-Off Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 BASF 4.0: Cellasto MVP Front End - Kick-Off Meeting
February 6th, 2017

2 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

3 What is MVP? A MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a way to get the most bang for your buck when you’re marketing a new product concept. You invest least amount of money and effort possible to give your product a quick market run to see if your target audience is remotely interested in it. Key success factors of MVP: The concept should look and feel finished The core functions/features need to work Implementing changes needs to be as simple as possible Get the most bang for your buck when wanting to launch a new product or service. It is the first instance in the development journey of the product when it is actually launched to the target group. So given a quick market run. But it is done in the lean’est possible way – so low investment because it is still a sacrificial concept. In case of negative market feedback, it can be modified or scrapped.

4 The rules of MVP The look and feel is really close to the actual product Includes all the details that needs to be evaluated, such as interaction design and content There are specific KPIs to evaluate the MVP’s performance according to quantitative and qualitative user feedback

5 A MVP needs to be built on a concept
Plan product launch Iterate the MVP Iteration Evaluate MVP’s performance Iteration Build the MVP based on validated concept Prototyping/Validation Create a concept of service or product

6 Agenda for today 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline Before lunch we will define concept for MVP in the form of a user story – we’ve designed a simple exercise for us to do so together.. After lunch, we’ll use the user story as a basis to brainstorm key features and agree on a concept

7 From DigBizModel to User story
Value Offering Value Capturing Value Creation & Coordination Value Delivery Context User User needs Solution How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

8 Value Creation & Coordination
Result – Pitch Canvas Group D “Digillasto – Your fast track to customized NVH solutions” Provide digital platform for expert network, customized design, rapid prototyping and delivery of your NVH solution. Value Offering Value Creation & Coordination Value Delivery Value Capturing Provide inspiration and solution for NHV issues Online Portal Content for awareness and education on potential NVH solutions Community for best practice sharing /advise Product configuraror a) Guided white paper design b) Feed-in from customer system (CAD) Simulation tool for proof-of-design Easy ordering /delivery a) Prototypes b) Lot-Size 1Products c) Serial Parts (linked EDI customer system) Interface to execution & delivery partners Platform UX / UI design Platform technology development Platform operations Content creation Community management Maintenance Algorythm development Part design & simulation Cost calculator Partnerschip Management Prototype building Logistics & Delivery Compliance Management Target Group: Industries with NHV needs Industrial production Construction Transportation Consumer industries Marketing channels Online Advertisement Pro-active screening of other portals to pull-over traffic Fairs & Associations BASF Sales Team Messages Trusted brand of BASF Unique material properties and quality Over 50 years of experience in highly demanding auto industry Increase of Cellasto sales Multiplication of solutions New customers New applications Lower cost to serve / less effort to handle small customers Higher margins when offering end-to-end solutions Increase of customer loyalty Market insights on customer needs and potential new applications Results

9 Example user story for Digillasto
Context User User needs Solution How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

10 Example user story for Digillasto
Panelly, A construction panel manufacturer wants to establish a new product portfolio that can stand extreme weather conditions for the Scandinavian market. User User needs Solution How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

11 Example user story for Digillasto
Panelly, A construction panel manufacturer wants to establish a new product portfolio that can stand extreme weather conditions for the Scandinavian market. A mechanical engineer, Mattias, who works in Panelly is taking lead of this product portfolio, and he will work together with 5 of his colleagues who are from R&D, Marketing and sales. Mattias has worked with BASF and used Cellasto for some years, so he is familiar with the material. User needs Solution How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

12 Example user story for Digillasto
Panelly, A construction panel manufacturer wants to establish a new product portfolio that can stand extreme weather conditions for the Scandinavian market. A mechanical engineer, Mattias, who works in Panelly is taking lead of this product portfolio, and he will work together with 5 of his colleagues who are from R&D, Marketing and sales. Mattias has worked with BASF and used Cellasto for some years, so he is familiar with the material. Despite being an experienced engineer, this is a very new domain for Mattias and it is the first time that Panelly will explore creating a product like this. Mattias will need significant technical info & guidance about Cellasto from BASF. Solution How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

13 Example user story for Digillasto
Panelly, A construction panel manufacturer wants to establish a new product portfolio that can stand extreme weather conditions for the Scandinavian market. A mechanical engineer, Mattias, who works in Panelly is taking lead of this product portfolio, and he will work together with 5 of his colleagues who are from R&D, Marketing and sales. Mattias has worked with BASF and used Cellasto for some years, so he is familiar with the material. Despite being an experienced engineer, this is a very new domain for Mattias and it is the first time that Panelly will explore creating a product like this. Mattias will need significant technical info & guidance about Cellasto from BASF. Digillasto is an interactive digital platform from BASF Cellasto that helps it’s customers co-engineer solutions with Cellasto experts in an efficient collaborative way. How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

14 Example user story for Digillasto
Panelly, A construction panel manufacturer wants to establish a new product portfolio that can stand extreme weather conditions for the Scandinavian market. A mechanical engineer, Mattias, who works in Panelly is taking lead of this product portfolio, and he will work together with 5 of his colleagues who are from R&D, Marketing and sales…. Despite being an experienced engineer, this is a very new domain for Mattias and it is the first time that Panelly will explore creating a product like this. Mattias will… Digillasto is an interactive digital platform from BASF Cellasto that helps it’s customers co-engineer solutions with Cellasto experts in an efficient collaborative way. Mattias checks the technical data and existing solutions/product library of Cellasto on the platform. Since he doesn’t find what he is looking for, he uses the expert help feature to post his question/query in a quick&easy way. The expert answers his question with a sketch of a possible solution that he makes using the sketch tool on the platform. Mattias adapts this sketch to match his product configuration, and uses the Sample ordering tool to order a sample of the proposed Cellasto solution in one click.

15 Result – Pitch Canvas Group A “Crowdselling”
Description: extend salesforce and idea generation base for Cellasto-applications via business scouts. Value Offering Value Creation & Coordination Value Delivery Value Capturing Business Scouts Financial incentives No investments necessary Supported by leads that BASF provides (location aware) Build network Career within community BASF Discover new applications Expand sales forces Targeted steering of sales activities Increased product/brand awareness Reach new customers Get new insights Develop new talents Scale successful ideas quickly Pay incentives for new applications Commission paid for Cellasto Sales Incentivize on boarding Fair commercial participation Identify best Agent candidates User friendly App Create expert community Kit Business Scouts Sample box Modular App Inspiring Product targeted training Subsequent development of sample box according to roll- out phases To Business Scouts APP + Web platform Hotline for specific questions To customers Phase I: standard parts Phase II: Lego-approach Phase II: Design Tool Additional Business from previously untapped market segments New talent Results

16 Adjusted user story for BSP
BASF wants to crowd-source the discovery of new innovative applications for Cellasto to external Business Scouts to grow their customer base and expand their business. User User needs Solution How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

17 Adjusted user story for BSP
BASF wants to crowd-source the discovery of new innovative applications for Cellasto to external Business Scouts to grow their customer base and expand their business. Entrepreneurial/creative/sales-oriented students & young professionals who become BASF Business Scouts (BS) User needs Solution How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

18 Adjusted user story for BSP
BASF wants to crowd-source the discovery of new innovative applications for Cellasto to external Business Scouts to grow their customer base and expand their business. Entrepreneurial/creative/sales-oriented students & young professionals who become BASF Business Scouts (BS) BSs need the right technical info about Cellasto on their finger tips and sales/technical guidance in an easily accessible way to enable them in their day-to-day BS activities. BSs need to be motivated with the right rewards to pursue their BS activities. Solution How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

19 Adjusted user story for BSP
BASF wants to crowd-source the discovery of new innovative applications for Cellasto to external Business Scouts to grow their customer base and expand their business. Entrepreneurial/creative/sales-oriented students & young professionals who become BASF Business Scouts (BS) BSs need the right technical info about Cellasto on their finger tips and sales/technical guidance in an easily accessible way to enable them in their day-to-day BS activities. BSs need to be motivated with the right rewards to pursue their BS activities. A community based digital platform (native app + web) for all BSs to enable them in their daily activities with the right technical info, tools & guidance. A hybrid rewards package (min. base salary + flex pay + trainings for professional growth + networking) is offered via the platform. How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs

20 Adjusted user story for BSP
BASF wants to crowd-source the discovery of new innovative applications for Cellasto to external Business Scouts to grow their customer base and expand their business. Entrepreneurial/creative/sales-oriented students & young professionals who become BASF Business Scouts (BS) BSs need the right technical info about Cellasto on their finger tips and sales/technical guidance in an easily accessible way to enable them in their day-to-day BS activities. BSs need to be… A community based digital platform (native app + web) for all BSs to enable them in their daily activities with the right technical info, tools & guidance. A hybrid rewards package (min. base salary + flex pay… The BS platform has features like a sketch feature (to configure new applications), a community help forum (with Cellasto technical experts and sales experts to guide the BSs in their daily activities), all Cellasto technical info, sample ordering, weekly application inspirations etc to enable BSs. Carefully calibrated social reward mechanisms like healthy competition, publishing success stories & internal networking offer additional motivation.

21 What is the user story for this MVP?
Customer Crowd-selling Digillasto Choose one user story or lets make a new one TBD Business Scout Cellasto Expert

22 Let’s finalize the user story for our MVP
User needs Solution How BASF helps the user fulfill the needs Context

23 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

24 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

25 Product/features canvas
Top 3 must-haves… Top 5 nice-to-haves… For later… How this solution helps the users to fulfill their needs Details

26 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

27 Key objectives of the MVP & KPIs
Validate all the assumptions in our user story Evaluate performance of all features WAVE 1 WAVE 2 KPIs for each feature List of assumptions: …………… ……………. ………………. List of features: …………… ……………. ………………. List of KPIs: …………… ……………. ……………….

28 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

29 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

30 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

31 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

32 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Brainstorm key MVP features > finalize concept 30min Define key objectives & KPIs 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

33 Business Model Quantification – Benefit Levers Overview
1 2 3 Benefit Lever New Product / Service Offering Higher Market Share Safeguarded Existing Business Value Capturing Capturing value from sales of new digital products/services to new and/or existing customers in one-sided customer relations two-sided customer relations Increased value extraction of current products/services by increasing sales among existing customer groups addressing new customer groups Increased customer loyalty leads to reduced customer churn rates and therefore stabilization of existing revenues by stabilized price stabilized quantities High-Level Value Drivers One-Sided # of existing and new customers Product/Service fee in € Two-Sided Platform access fees Commission fees Advertisement fees Existing Customers Current total revenues per customer segment in € Average induced additional revenue increase by customer segment in % New Customers Newly captured share of untapped addressable market in % Total volume of untapped addressable market in € Existing Business % Prevented YoY decrease in revenue by customer churn per customer segment

34 New Product / Service Offering
Business Model Quantification – Benefit Lever “New Product/Service Offering” # current BASF customers % adoption rate Prospective total # of customers % capturing of untapped market # customers € access fee (platform, data, …) # of existing BASF customers # of new customers E.g. based on saved labor, … € transaction volume % commission E.g. based on reach, brand, … x Access fees # of customers Product / service fee in € p.a. Commission fees Advertisement fees + Direct benefit from digital service / product Benefit from ecosystem integration x x New Product / Service Offering 1 + x + x + Benefit Lever Offering Components Calculation Mechanics

35 Business Model Quantification – Benefit Lever “Higher Market Share”
Total customer revenue per segment Benefit from existing customers x % Average additional customer revenue increase per segment Higher Market Share 2 + Newly captured % share of untapped market Benefit from new customers Total addressable market x Total volume of untapped market - Own market share

36 Safeguarded Existing Business
Business Model Quantification – Benefit Lever “Safeguarded Existing Business” 3 Safeguarded Existing Business Customer revenue per segment % of shifting prevented per segment % anticipated YoY decrease in revenue per segment x

37 Business Model Quantification – Cost Buckets Overview
Ramp-Up (Year 1) Scaling (Year 2+) Investments “Building the Business” Technology core development Technology rollout Infrastructure Others Operations “Running the Business” Marketing, sales and care (labor & externally sourced) Technology operations (labor & externally sourced) General & administrative (labor & externally sourced) Maturity of Planning

38 Agenda 10.00-10.30 Introductions 30 min 10.30-12.00
Ideate & define user story for the MVP 90 min Lunch 60 min Finalize MVP concept and the key objectives to be tested 30min Brainstorm key features/functionalities & level of detail of MVP 60min Break 15min Agree on front-end scope + development requirements Define back-end development requirements for RfP 45min Refine business case Discuss next steps and timeline

39 Next Steps and Timeline
Task Work Stream Work Stream Owner Due Date

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