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Assistant head teacher

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1 Assistant head teacher
Mr Ian Humpage Assistant head teacher



4 One year ago Sitting in the audience listening to speakers
Secure, confident, happy, feel good Bring it on! Can’t wait to see the glowing feedback Chance for me to show others what a brilliant job myself and others were doing! How well the data feeds into SDP, Categorisation, Estyn, National Programmes, Donaldson, New AOEL strands and bespoke strategic development

5 March 2018 ESTYN and SECTION 50 feedback
‘The school is especially successful in promoting its principles of ‘faith in action’. Kindness and consideration for others are demonstrated consistently by both pupils and staff.’ ‘The school is highly successful in providing outstanding care, support and guidance within a Catholic community. Strong, principled leadership has ensured high levels of wellbeing and positive outcomes for pupils.’ ‘Ensuring that all pupils are both nurtured with care and enabled to achieve their potential is pivotal to the work of St Joseph’s R.C. High School. ‘ ‘High quality care, support and guidance are at the heart of its work. ‘ ‘Pupils have extensive, worthwhile opportunities to take on leadership roles and make decisions about the life of the school. ‘ ‘The school provides valuable opportunities for pupils to adopt a healthy life style and learn about the benefits of healthy eating and drinking.’

6 ‘An extensive range of extra-curricular activities encourages positive pupil involvement in creative arts and sports activities and widens their cultural experiences successfully.’ ‘ It strongly encourages forgiveness and reconciliation and helps pupils to understand the needs and rights of all people. ‘ ‘A highly creative range of successful initiatives is tailored carefully to meet pupils’ needs.’ ‘Outstanding support from within the school and from a wide range of external agencies contributes to successful outcomes.’ ‘The school is a welcoming and inclusive community. • pupils are extremely proud of their school and its Catholic identity. • pastoral care is an outstanding feature of the school and supports pupils’ well-being effectively. • relationships within the school are strong and this contributes to the sense of cohesion. ‘ ‘The school is a truly cohesive community which reflects the Gospel, and pupils feel valued for everything they achieve. There is a strong sense of belonging and all pupils are welcomed in a spirit of equality, inclusiveness and respect. This is a strength of the school. ‘


8 SHRN Positive data Positive data Water consumption (all)
Energy drinks (all) Fruit/veg (girls) Breakfast KS3 (all) 4-5 days of exercise (all) Caring teachers KS3&5 Ideas listened to KS3&5 Pressure of work KS3 Support in school KS3&5 Screen usage KS3 Teachers taking action KS3 Speaking to teachers KS3 Smoking averages Bullying A lot of scores relating favourably with national averages

9 SHRN Focus areas Focus areas Sexting (KS4)
Teachers taking action (KS4) Key Stage 4 perceptions Alcohol/Drugs (14-18) Breakfast (KS4) Fruit/Veg (Boys) Early sexual experiences Sugary drinks (boys) Journey to school Sitting down at weekends Teachers caring (yrs9&10) Ideas listened to (yrs9-11) Pressure of school work Support (yrs9&10) Electronic screen time (yrs10-13)

10 SHRN So what! So what! Power of research evidence
Perceptions of KS4 pupils Building and sustaining relationships Understanding changes in attitudes and behaviour Realising the EI of teenagers Keeping the gloss, shine, sparkle and excitement of high school Not just about vulnerable pupils Creating trust and engagement Clarity of what school is and what it can provide on a daily basis Understanding peer and societal influences Every member of staff can contribute


12 It’s not what we do but the way that we do it…
It’s not what we do but the way that we do it…..that’s what gets results!! Quick wins (within a year) Where and how? Clarity, consistency and content of community messages Communication methods to student body Review present programmes, if we think it is good then why don’t the pupils know? Involve pupils Tutorials Assemblies Curriculum Mini Bacc Noticeboards Screen time Social media platforms Involve others


14 Who are we working with?

15 The Future- working with and through others, strategic planning and innovation.
Targets (1-3 years) Targets (1-3 years) Mental health support programmes Pressure and anxiety guidance Healthy choices Student aspirations and pathways Catch them early (KS3) Transition work with cluster primaries Summer school Continue to consult, work with and listen to learners Multi agency work but with sharp specific foci Engage in all forms of consultation Staff training and awareness on a whole school basis Understanding 21c young people and the importance of having great schools in their lives Ambassadorial programme School environment


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