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U.S. Imperialism In Asia & Latin America

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1 U.S. Imperialism In Asia & Latin America
Chapter 10 review

2 Hawaii


4 Why did the US want Hawaii?
Good climate Fertile soil (sugar) Good place for navy base & ship stops Hawaiians are uncivilized & needed help How did we? When did we begin? Why would we want Hawaii….2000 miles away? Hawaiian’s didn’t need our help, they were fine, just different than Americans

5 How did American Influence Hawaii?
1886 Bayonet Constitution forced King Kalakaua to sign at gunpoint Limits kings power Gives U.S. control of Pearl Harbor

6 Queen Liliukokalani takes over after Kalakua dies
* she wants independence for her country U.S. called Marines ashore In 1898 U.S. annexed Hawaii- becomes a state in 1952




10 China Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901
“Righteous Fists of Harmony” (Boxers) attacked the “foreign devils” killed 200 missionaries and traders Stopped by Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan. Each hoped to divide China among themselves

11 Open Door Notes Open Door Policy- John Hay/ President McKinley 1900
Opens trade ports to all nations Lets China collect tariffs (taxes)

12 Mexico Mexican gov. headed by Porfirio Diaz
Encouraged foreign investments Americans owned oil, mines, railroads and ranches in Mexico

13 Mexico 1911 Mexican peasants/workers led by Francisco Madero overthrew Diaz Madero promised a democratic gov. = could not satisfy everyone

14 Victoriano Huerta takes over
1914 Huerta’s officers arrest American soldiers…later release President Wilson uses incident as an excuse to invade Mexico Huerta step-down and Carranza becomes President and is recognized by the U.S.

15 Mexican Revolution Rebels Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Emiliano Zapata opposed Carranza “better to die on your feet then to live on your knees” Zapata Villa

16 Wanted Dead of Alive Villa invites Americans to Mexico to engineer mines Has them killed 15,000 American soldiers sent to capture Villa… unsuccessful As conflict emerges in Europe (WWI) U.S. makes peace w/ Mexico


18 Panama French wanted a new trade route
1880’s began 50mile canal across Panama 10yrs + 20,000 lives + $280million= give up! 1903 U.S. try to save canal plan U.S. -- $10 mil for 6 miles and $250k yearly rental for 99years Only issue …Panama was a providence of Columbia = a revolt

19 Benefits of the Panama Canal



22 Review of U.S. Foreign Policy
Roosevelt- Big Stick Policy Monroe Doctrine- Named U.S. as protector of Western Hemisphere “Protected” interests in Latin America Roosevelt Corollary- non intervention in Latin America Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy-“substituting dollars for bullets”

23 Fighters of Imperialism
Fidel Castro (Cuba) Che Guevara (Cuba) Jose Marti (Cuba) Emilio Aguinaldo (Philippines) Francisco Madero (Mexico) Francisco “Pancho” Villa (Mexico) Emiliano Zapata (Mexico) Boxers (China)

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