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Presentation on theme: "Jazz. Jazz Women’s Lives PROHIBITION ENTERTAINMENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jazz

3 Women’s Lives





8 JAZZ WOMEN'S LIVES PROHIBITION ENTERTAINMENT FARMERS & WORKERS PRESIDENTS $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 Jazz originated In this city.

10 New Orleans

11 He was a singer, trumpet player and jazz pioneer.

12 Louis Armstrong

13 The predecessor to Jazz, created by Scott Joplin.

14 Ragtime

15 The part of a jazz concert that symbolizes the freedom of the 1920's.

16 The solo.

17 with European melodies
These were combined with European melodies and African American work songs to create jazz.

18 African Tribal Rhythms.

19 The amendment that gave women the right to vote.

20 The 19th Amendment.

21 Women who wore short skirts, cut their hair, and broke the rules of society.

22 Flappers

23 The event that forced many women to work outside the home.

24 World War I

25 men in the Constitution
The proposed law that would give women the same status as men in the Constitution

26 Equal Rights Amendment

27 The women's group that brought about prohibition.

28 The Women's Christian Temperance Union

29 transportation of this
The sale, manufacturing, and transportation of this product became illegal.

30 Alcohol

31 The Constitutional Amendment that created Prohibition.

32 The 18th Amendment.

33 this type of organization.
The desire for alcohol led to the creation of this type of organization.

34 Organized Crime

35 An illegal bar that was common during Prohibition

36 A speakeasy.

37 The amendment that repealed Prohibition.

38 The 21st Amendment.

39 He was the greatest baseball player of the 1920's.

40 George Herman "Babe" Ruth

41 The star of silent films, known as the "Little Tramp."

42 Charlie Chaplin

43 The new source of home entertainment during the 1920's.

44 The radio.

45 The best part of New York City to find a jazz club.

46 Harlem

47 A national feeling created by shared experiences in the entertainment world.

48 Mass culture.

49 The period of time when American farmers supplied much of the world with food.

50 World War I

51 The economic theory that led to falling crop prices in the 20's.

52 The law of supply and demand.

53 An oxymoron where the workers are still contolled by their bosses.

54 Company Union

55 The creation by Henry Ford which lowered the value of workers.

56 The assembly line.

57 Daily Double!!

58 these types of products created many jobs after
The manufacturing of these types of products created many jobs after the recession of the early 20's.

59 Consumer Products

60 He was blamed for the recession and for US involvement in WWI.

61 Woodrow Wilson

62 Harding's friend and advisors were known by this name.

63 The Ohio Gang

64 A quiet man who was sworn in as President while in his childhood bedroom.

65 Calvin Coolidge

66 He created the 14 Points.

67 Woodrow Wilson

68 Herbert Hoover defeated him in the election of 1928.

69 Alfred E. Smith

70 Double Jeopardy!!








78 Foreign Policy Xenophobia In the News Literature Social Trends The Economy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

79 The man who created a communist governement in the Soviet Union.

80 Lenin

81 The international organization created by the Treaty of Versailles which the US refused to join.

82 The League of Nations

83 The result the Washington Conference had on the US and other navies. (Vocab. Word)

84 Disarmament

85 A treaty that made war illegal.

86 The Kellogg- Briand Pact

87 US troops invaded this country in the 1920's to protect American companies.

88 Nicaragua

89 The organization, created during Reconstruction that re-emerged in the 20's.

90 The Ku Klux Klan

91 Period of time when the US Govt. arrested thousands of people with unpopular political ideas.

92 The Red Scare

93 The law that was passed to limit immigration.

94 The Emergency Quota Act

95 A belief that "America was for Americans."

96 Nativism

97 The men who were executed because they were foreigners and radicals.

98 Sacco and Venzetti

99 This big news sent Albert Fall to prison.

100 The Teapot Dome Scandal

101 This first truly affordable car rolls off of the Ford assembly line.

102 The Model T

103 Police strike in this city. People are outraged.

104 Boston

105 Are you a monkey's uncle or the other way around?

106 The Scopes Trial

107 Man flies first solo, non-stop, trans-Atlantic flight.

108 Charles Lindbergh

109 A Farewell to Arms

110 Ernest Hemingway

111 The Great Gatsby

112 F. Scott Fitzgerald

113 Mother to Son & The Negro Speaks of Rivers

114 Langston Hughes

115 Wrote about African American folklore.

116 Zora Neale Hurston

117 Most famous playwright of the 1920's.

118 Eugene O'Neill

119 A short lived but intensely popular activity.

120 Fad

121 than it really was, one of the carefree
Sounds more painful than it really was, one of the carefree contests of the 20's.

122 Flagpole Sitting

123 The Charleston in 26.2 miles.

124 Marathon Dancing

125 A cerebral contest; today's most difficult ones are in the New York Times.

126 Crossword Puzzles

127 Daily Double!!

128 The "home"made beverage became popular because of Prohibition.

129 Bathtub Gin

130 An economic slump.

131 Recession

132 The symbol of a declining stock market.

133 Bear

134 10% down gets you the stock.

135 Buying on margin.

136 The savior of the economy,
only 300 easy payments of $19.95.

137 Installment buying.

138 to tell people what they
A new idustry created to tell people what they want or need.

139 Advertising

140 Final Jeopardy What type of ship was not regulated by the Washington Conference?

141 Aircraft Carrier

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