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Bayesian Nonparametric Matrix Factorization for Recorded Music

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Presentation on theme: "Bayesian Nonparametric Matrix Factorization for Recorded Music"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bayesian Nonparametric Matrix Factorization for Recorded Music
Matthew D. Hoffman, David M. Blei, Perry R. Cook Presented by Lu Ren Electrical and Computer Engineering Duke University

2 Outline Variational Inference Evaluation Related Work Conclusions
Introduction GaP-NMF Model Variational Inference Evaluation Related Work Conclusions

3 Introduction Specifying the number of sources---Bayesian Nonparametric
Breaking audio spectrograms into separate sources of sound Identifying individual instruments and notes Predicting hidden or distorted signals Source separation previous work Specifying the number of sources---Bayesian Nonparametric Gamma Process Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (GaP-NMF) Computational challenge: non-conjugate pairs of distributions favor for spectrogram data, not for computational convenience bigger variational family analytic coordinate ascent algorithm

4 GaP-NMF Model : M by N matrix of nonnegative reals
Observation: Fourier power sepctrogram of an audio signal : M by N matrix of nonnegative reals : power at time window n and frequency bin m A window of 2(M-1) samples Squared magnitude in each frequency bin DFT Keep only the first M bins Assume K static sound sources : describe these sources is the average amount of energy source k exhibits at frequency m : amplitude of each source changing over time is the gain of source k at time n

5 GaP-NMF Model Mixing K sound sources in the time domain (under certain assumptions), spectrogram is distributed1 Infer both the characters and number of latent audio sources : trunction level 1Abdallah & Plumbley (2004) and Fevotte et al. (2009)

6 GaP-NMF Model As goes infinity, approximates an infinite sequence drawn from a gamma process Number of elements greater than some is finite almost surely: If is sufficiently large relative to , only a few elements of are substantially greater than 0. Setting :

7 Variational Inference
Variational distribution: expanded family Generalized Inverse-Gaussian (GIG): denotes a modified Bessel function of the second kind Gamma family is a special case of the GIG family where ,

8 Variational Inference
Lower bound of GaP-NMF model: If : GIG family sufficient statistics: Gamma family sufficient statistics:

9 Variational Inference
The likelihood term expands to: With Jensen’s inequality:

10 Variational Inference
With a first order Taylor approximation: : an arbitrary positive point

11 Variational Inference
Tightening the likelihood bound Optimizing the variational distributions For example:

12 Evaluation Compare GaP-NMF to two variations: 1. Finite Bayesian model
2. Finite non-Bayesian model Itakura-Saito Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (IS-NMF) : maximize the likelihood in the above fomula Compare with another two NMF algorithms: EU-NMF: minimize the sum of the squared Euclidean distance KL-NMF: minimize the generalized KL-divergence

13 Evaluation 1. Synthetic Data

14 Evaluation 2. Marginal Likelihood & Bandwidth Expansion

15 Evaluation 3. Blind Monophonic Source Separation

16 Conclusions Related work Bayesian nonparametric model GaP-NMF
Applicable to other types of audio

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