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Glaciers (Part I) What is a glacier? Where are glaciers found?

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Presentation on theme: "Glaciers (Part I) What is a glacier? Where are glaciers found?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Glaciers (Part I) What is a glacier? Where are glaciers found?
What is climate effect on glaciers?

2 What is a glacier? Mass of moving glacial ice created by the accumulation of snow glaciers always moving forward at terminus ice & water move forward

3 Typical glacier system in
Cordillera Blanca, Peru

4 Glacier landscape in Nepal Himalayas


6 Shorong Yul-lha glacier,
Nepal Himalayas

7 How are glaciers formed?
where average temperatures < O deg C. Snow accumulates and compressed by weight of layers buried layers slowly form a thickened mass of ice snow grains squashed together-- snow metamorphosis

8 Glacial Ice formation SNOW: seasonal snow void spaces
FIRN (névé): snow that has lasted more than one year less void space ICE: compacted, air pores not connected density > 860 kg/m3 Air bubbles

9 Transformation of SNOW --> ICE
Rate of transformation dependent on temperature and accumulation rate Rate with load Rate with Temperature (for a given load) temperature determines size of crystals and amount of snowfall

10 Thermodynamic classification of glaciers
“Cold” glaciers: frozen to the rock of their beds ice below pressure melting point remain well frozen; melting only at surface “Warm” glaciers: warm based thawed from their bed slide and flow

11 Glacier movement When glacier reaches critical mass (>20m thick)
Ice is solid but it flows! When glacier reaches critical mass (>20m thick) flow occurs

12 How does ice move? slower faster F slower

13 Two ways of glacier movement
PLASTIC DEFORMATION BASAL SLIDING Gravity main driving force, s = rgh* sina

14 1. Internal deformation Ice > 60m thick
Compaction weight Ice > 60m thick specific for cold-based glaciers (frozen to bed) velocity Pressure melting point Factors controlling rate of deformation: depth of ice temperature slope

15 2.Basal sliding only “warm-based” glaciers
glacier slips over the rock surface H2O as lubricator less friction velocities: 0-300m/day -water -sliding

16 Glacier surge velocities of 100m/day dramatic increase in flow rate, hundred times faster than its normal rate

17 Structures within glacial ice
Crevasses: cracks in the ice due to different velocities between center and edges of glacier formed perpendicular to direction of flow

18 crevasse that separates flowing ice from stagnant
Bergschrund: crevasse that separates flowing ice from stagnant ice at the head of a glacier Glacier on Shorong Yul-lha, Nepal

19 Crevasses

20 3. Icefall: steep, fast-flowing section of glacier with cracked
and jumbled surface Khumbu Ice fall, Everest

21 Ogives: alternate bands of light and dark ice on a glacier
(winter) (summer)

22 Geographical and Climatic conditions
high snowfall in winter cool temperatures in summer Moisture important!!! Eg: Siberia and parts of Antarctica: low temperatures meet glacier growth requirements, but lack of adequate precipitation prevents glacier development

23 Glacier distribution & importance
10% of earth covered by ice 85% Antarctica 11% Greenland 4% elsewhere Glaciers store about 75% of the world's freshwater

24 Glacier Mass Balance (Net)Accumulation zone = area where ice accumulates (Net) Ablation zone= area where glacial ice melts Equilibrium line where accumulation=ablation balance = 0 (at equilibrium)


26 Where is the ELA?

27 Where is the ELA?

28 Mass balance NEGATIVE: glacier gets smaller
POSITIVE: glacier gets larger ZERO MASS BALANCE: no change in glacier size (mass,volume) GLACIER STILL MOVING FORWARD!!!

29 ELA and climate Cooling -- ELA lower Warming -- ELA higher
Polar glaciers: ELA lower Tropical glaciers: ELA higher

30 How do glaciers reflect climate change?
changes in temperature changes in amount of moisture Glaciers sensitive to temperature fluctuations climate change can cause glaciers to melt but the relationship is not straightforward, eg. Antarctica:climate change-->warmer-->more evaporation from ocean ->more water vapor -> more snowfall!

31 Ice ages Ice ages return every 100,000 years approx. 20 ice ages
Pleistocene = most recent ice age, that started about 2 million years ago and ended ~10,000 yrs ago 4 major advances of ice, most recent ones: Laurentide: ended 20,000 yrs ago Wisconsin: ended 100,000 yrs ago Presently we are in an interglacial period


33 Causes of ice ages? Milankovic cycles
long term variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun:

34 Glacial ages During the last Ice Age, glaciers covered 32% of the total land area. Little Ice Age: 17th century - late 19th century consistently cool temperatures significant glacier advances.

35 Earth’s climate record

36 Glaciers sensitive to climate changes: a few facts
strong warming over the last yrs increasing CO2 levels Alpine glaciers have been experiencing rapid retreat Ice cap on Mt. Kilimanjaro has been decreasing by 82% in the last 88 years Glaciers in the Alps decreased by 50% in volume

37 Ice-albedo (positive) feedback
Global warming + + Glacial melt More energy absorbed + Decrease in surface of ice + + Decrease in albedo

38 Climatic responses- scenarios
winter temperature: less, not more, snow polar areas get little precip. (cold air) if summer ablation same -- glacier retreats summer temperature: more cloud cover less summer ablation if winter accumulation same -- glacier grows

39 Climatic response (cont’d)
winter precipitation (snowfall) if no change in temperature some snow survives over summer glacier advances temperature crucial factor-


41 Glacier response -summary
Alpine glaciers and N.Hem. Ice caps expected to retreat under global warming scenario NOTE: Antarctica expected to grow due to possible increase in humidity

42 Monitoring glaciers Field measurements Aerial photography
Satellite images

43 Radar measurements - ice thickness

44 Aster image, Patagonia, Chile


46 Indian Himalayas: Glacier ablation at Gangotri, source of
the holy Ganges glacier terminus retreated by 3km ASTER Image courtesy of: NASA EROS Data Center, Sept. 9, 2001

47 Climate reconstructions
Ice core drilling Drilling tent on the summit of Cerro Tapado, Chile


49 Ice Core drilling, Coropuna, 2003

50 Having fun at high altitide...
..trying to get the generator to work

51 Oxygen isotopes: 18O and 16O
clues of temperature in the areas where ice formed Ratio of 18O and 16O indicator of temperature 18O/ 16O > - warming signal 18O/ 16O < - cooling signal

52 2. Taking the ice core out 1.drilling the ice core 3.measuring and storing the ice core

53 Isotope record

54 Glacier mummies: climate records?
500-year old mummy found in Peruvian Andes Otzi- 5,000 year old mummy found in Tyrolean Alps, Italy Glacier retreat revealed mummy

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