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Post-Arrival Orientation Enter your city, state

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Presentation on theme: "Post-Arrival Orientation Enter your city, state"— Presentation transcript:

1 Post-Arrival Orientation Enter your city, state

2 Volunteers and YFU! Meet your volunteers! Who are we? We are…
helping you have the best possible experience building bridges to connect cultures making a more peaceful world Who are we? Volunteers: name, YFU start, support role Volunteers introduce themselves – no more than 3 sentences

3 Agenda for the Day! (Modify for your use)
Modify this to fit your orientation day/weekend

4 Session # 1- Welcome 1A- Common Ground or 1B- Posters
Housekeeping Breaks / Lunch Bathrooms English, please Put away electronic devices Sign-in sheets

5 Session # 2- Behavior Continuum
Getting to know one another… What has always been considered basic and “normal” in your household, is all of a sudden being done differently. Your reaction may be that the other way of doing that thing is wrong.

6 Session # 3- From Visiting to Belonging
We already spoke briefly about the purpose of orientations. Now let’s talk about the journey. Starting as visitors, the ultimate destination for host families is to create a bond with students and help them feel they belong in your family, school and community. Students and families control this journey. Y – YOU: The first level of understanding is You - Yourself. This whole experience started because the student and host family wanted to challenge themselves. Students, you wanted to challenge themselves. In your home country, you knew who you were, where you fit into your family, your school and your community. HF, you wanted to challenge yourselves by accepting another person into your family – learning from their culture while teaching them about yours. Changing routines is an example of a choice YOU, the family, has made since your new son or daughter has arrived. Students have control over becoming an active family member or someone sitting on the outside. F – FAMILY: Within the larger journey encompassing from visiting to belonging, lies a smaller journey, from Y (you) to F (family), which occurs throughout the fall. In this time period, host families get to help their student find a spot in your family and students get to choose their spot in the family! You get to choose if you are going to stand on the outside of your host family and watch what happens, OR become a member of your new family. U – UNDERSTANDING: By the time the mid-year orientation occurs, your student should be well on their way to being a full-fledged member of the host family, with all of the benefits and responsibilities. Students, understanding is a journey toward belonging not only in a new family, but in a global society. Your American experience will be shaped by where you live, how involved you get in your host family and your school, and your own willingness to understand new experiences. It does not mean giving up your identity. 6

7 Session # 3 - 3-5-8: Choice What do you think this means?
As you travel through your exchange year, you will use the simple, yet powerful tool of making choices. Your choices, along with those of your host family, will allow you to have control of your experience. Each participant can take responsibility for their exchange experience through the choices they make. In that context, 3-5-8: Choice serves as a measurement tool for your level of involvement and transition from visiting to belonging, with each choice hopefully improving the experience.

8 Session # 4 – Two Cultures Together
(Students) Iceberg Theory: Culture and Behavior We know that the part of an iceberg that we can see is not all there is. We may not know the shape of what’s under the water, but we know that the visible part (the part above the waterline) doesn’t tell us all we need to know about the iceberg. Only a reckless ship’s captain would evaluate an iceberg without including the invisible part (the part under the waterline). So … how does this image of an iceberg help us understand culture and its effect on the way we all behave? HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO EXCHANGE? What you see is NOT all there is.

9 Session # 5- Where We Are Now
Culture Shock Adjustment Curve Ups and Downs are NORMAL!

10 Session # 5- Personal Problem Solving Steps
List all possible solutions that you can think of and select the best 2 solutions. List specific steps you would need to take in order to accomplish the top solutions. Choose the solution that you think can actually be successful. Set a timeline for beginning and for accomplishing each step. Seek support from someone who can help you ( host family, Area Rep, etc) through the steps. – list their name.

11 Session # 5- Dear Area Rep Activity
What advice would we give this student? What actions or attitudes will help the student be successful? (3-5-8:Choice) What is the student’s responsibility in this situation? What help does the student need from the host family and/or Area Rep?

12 Session # 5 – Adjustment Curve

13 Session # 6 - Social Media
Gallery Walk Discussion One advantage of hosting is live-in tech support … My student made my custom laptop selection & I learned all I know about ppt from my YFU daughter Today teenagers across the world have online lives that are a large extension of their offline lives! & using social media is among the most common daily activities of today’s teenagers Let’s consider how students can use technology to enhance the exchange experience.

14 Session # 6 - Social Media
Visuals to share! Anyone want to play?

15 Session # 6- Gallery Walk Directions
As you read each topic, write on a post-it note • a large + or – sign indicating whether you agree/disagree; or think the item is positive or negative post or a ? if you are not sure. • AND a comment about how you feel about it Then, stick your note on the wall near each topic.

16 Session # 6 – Gallery Walk Discussion Questions
What concerns and expectations do you have about social media? What strategies might you utilize to make the best use of social media and keep usage positive? What are the risks involved in using social media too much or inappropriately while hosting or on exchange?

17 Session # 7 – You & YFU 7A- Card Game or 7B- Scenarios
Support Structure Scenarios Rules & Policies Lines of Communication YFU’s top priority is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all YFU students and families.


19 Session # 8 - Not With Me! 8A- Scenarios or 8B – No scenarios
100% % Conformity/Adaptation Resistance

20 Session # 9 – Wrap Up Travel – change in PTT process
Access to Info in Host Family Account under Resources Insurance questions? Social Events – anyone can plan one! Area Rep contact? No Permission to Travel is needed as long as the student is traveling with HF and doesn’t miss more than 5 days of school and the trip costs to the student are less than $250. The new permission to travel form is going to be on line in the HF’s account and can be filled in and submitted on line.  It is now online in the HF account under Resources!

21 We applaud you! We are glad you are here We admire your COURAGE
Now let’s get down to work We applaud you! 21

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