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Cold War Events, Organizations, and People

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1 Cold War Events, Organizations, and People

2 Unit Objective To understand the impact of the events of the Cold War on the U.S., the Soviet Union, and the world

3 Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1948): Berlin was an international city deep within Communist East Germany; The Soviets blocked off access to the city hoping the West would just let it go and become totally part of East Germany; The U.S. instead flew supplies into the city for over a year until the Soviets finally gave up and lifted the blockade

4 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
Warsaw Pact:

5 China Communists took over China (Mao Zedong defeated Chiang Kai Shek
and forced non-communists to flee to Taiwan in 1949)

6 China China and the Soviet Union formed an alliance that deteriorated over time—China felt the Soviets did not provide them enough aid and did not support their desire to invade Taiwan No Cold War with the U.S. because, other than Korea, China has never tried to expand its version of Communism China also abandoned communism as an economic system in the 1970s (it remained communist politically)

7 China The Great Leap Forward:

8 China The Cultural Revolution:

9 Korea Korean War ( ):

10 Eastern Europe Soviet invasion of Hungary (1956): A democratic movement in Hungary was put down by force by the Soviet Union Sent a clear message to other eastern European countries that were part of the Iron Curtain (countries controlled by the Soviet Union after WWII) that the Soviets were in charge

11 Vietnam Vietnam War ( ):

12 Soviet launch of Sputnik (1957)
First satellite in space—launched by the Soviets after the U.S. had made public it was our goal to put a satellite in space

13 Sputnik

14 U-2 Incident (1960):

15 Cuba Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)
CIA trained Cuban refugees to invade Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro—The invasion failed for two reasons: 1.) 2.)  

16 The U.S. paid a ransom of money and medical supplies to Cuba to get the refugees released


18 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
A U-2 spy plane took pictures of Soviet missiles being deployed in Cuba that could strike the American East Coast in five minutes—That gave the Soviets “First-Strike” capability


20 What did John Kennedy (JFK) do about it?

21 How was the situation resolved?

22 Berlin Wall (1961) -Why it was built: -JFK’s response:


24 JFK in Berlin

25 India Indians began fighting for independence from Britain intensified in 1939 after the British committed India’s armed forces to fight in WWII without consulting India India also fought amongst themselves (Hindus vs Muslims) Mohandas Gandhi led non-violent independence movement

26 India Partition:

27 India Kashmir: Disputed region that both India and Pakistan claimed (Mostly Muslim, like Pakistan) 1949: UN gave a third of Kashmir to Pakistan and the rest to India—Have fought over it ever since

28 Cambodia Khmer Rouge:

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