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Unit 5, Section 12 The New Deal.

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1 Unit 5, Section 12 The New Deal

2 FDR as President Roosevelt wins in a landslide
After election, builds “Brain Trust,” group of advisors to help fix problems of Depression Wife Eleanor plays a key role in agenda At inauguration in March, 1933, famously declares that “the only thing we have to fear is, fear itself,” as a country. clip

3 First Hundred Days FDR launches period of intense activity to address Depression issues: First step – reform banking March 5th bank holiday Fireside Chat (first of many) to reassure public FDR as master of public relations (radio) Passage of Glass-Steagall Act Establishes FDIC to insure deposits SEC to regulate stock market

4 New Deal Programs Prohibition repealed in 1933 (21st Amendment)
Helping Rural Areas: AAA – Agriculture Adjustment Act TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority-song of the south Creating Immediate Jobs: CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps PWA - Public Works Administration Business and Banking: NRA – National Recovery Administration FDIC, SEC

5 New Deal Programs Other important programs:
CWA – Civil Works Administration

6 New Deal Critics Programs offer relief, but by 1935, economy still struggling Criticism over DEFICIT SPENDING to “prime pump” of the economy Some believe government must do more: Father Charles Coughlin – wants to tax wealthy more heavily Huey Long – Senator from Louisiana, wants to level income – “every man a king” Francis Townsend – Demands income for elderly

7 Court Packing Conservatives on Supreme Court strike down some New Deal programs, including AAA 1937, Roosevelt fears court will dismantle New Deal, asks Congress to reform court, allow 6 more justices to be appointed 1

8 Court Packing “Court Packing” bill causes controversy and anger in public and press Threat to checks and balances of Constitution Retirements eventually allow FDR more appointments, secures programs 2

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