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Bellwork 12.

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1 Bellwork 12

2 Bellwork 12-1 Maria wasn’t watching her plate of barbeque very carefully. So Santana the family beagle snatched a chicken leg hanging over the edge. As baked beans and potato salad slid onto Marias new sandles. There are 8 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

3 Bellwork 12-1 Answers Maria wasn’t watching her plate of barbeque very carefully, so Santana, the family beagle, snatched a chicken leg hanging over the edge as baked beans and potato salad slid onto Maria’s new sandals. Need to place a comma after carefully and remove the period to correct the fragment. The family beagle is an appositive and needs to be offset by commas. Remove the period after edge and make the a is as lowercase. Maria’s needs an apostrophe because she owns the sandals. Sandals is misspelled.

4 Bellwork 12-2 The troupe of knife jugglers shocked their audience when a butcher knife accidently decapitated the head of a old womans poodle. There are 3 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

5 Bellwork 12-2 Answers The troupe of knife jugglers shocked its audience when a butcher knife accidently decapitated the head of an old woman’s poodle. Its should be “its” because the troupe of knife jugglers is a singular unit. It would be “their” if it was just the knife jugglers because that is a group of people. An needs to be before old because old begins with a vowel. Woman’s needs to show possession.

6 Bellwork 12-3 My brothers car a sporty red convertable with bucket seats is the envy of my friend’s. There are 5 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

7 Bellwork 12-3 Answers My brother’s car, a sporty red convertible with bucket seats, is the envy of my friends. Brother needs to show possession. A sporty red convertible is an appositive and needs to be offset by commas. Convertible was misspelled. Friends is just plural and does not need an apostrophe.

8 Bellwork 12-4 Ever since Andre peeked at Melissas paper during the biology exam. Guilt has consumed him. Even the blueberries floating in his serial bowl seem like the accusing eyes of Dr. Gregory his biology instructor. There are 5 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

9 Bellwork 12-4 Answers Ever since Andre peeked at Melissa’s paper during the biology exam, guilt has consumed him. Even the blueberries floating in his cereal bowl seem like the accusing eyes of Dr. Gregory, his biology instructor. Melissa needs to show possession. Remove the period after exam, replace it with a comma and decapitalize the g in guilt to correct the fragment. Cereal is misspelled. His biology instructor is an appositive and needs a comma.

10 Bellwork 12-5 If the books have been catalouged last week why haven’t they been placed on the shelf. There are 4 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

11 Bellwork 12-5 Answers If the books had been catalogued last week, why haven’t they been placed on the shelf? There needs to be a comma after the introductory phrase. Have should be had because it is the past tense. Catalogued is misspelled Since the sentence is a question, it needs a question mark at the end.

12 Bellwork 12-5 French dressing is good nevertheless I prefer honey mustard. There are 3 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

13 Bellwork 12-5 Answers French dressing is good; nevertheless, I prefer honey mustard. There needs to be either a semicolon or a period after good. Since the first sentence is so short, a semicolon is preferable. Nevertheless needs a comma after it. Prefer was misspelled.

14 Bellwork 12-6 The setting of a story effects the stories plot.
There are 2 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

15 Bellwork 12-6 The setting of a story affects the story’s plot.
The word should be affects not effects. An apostrophe is needed to show possession.

16 Bellwork 12-7 Either the grill crew or the manager must give their permission for you to return that half eaten cheeseburger. There are 2 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

17 Bellwork 12-7 Answers Either the grill crew or the manager must give his permission for you to return that half-eaten cheeseburger. The word needs to be his instead of their since it is a singular subject. Half-eaten needs to have a hyphen.

18 Bellwork 12-8 The bald eagle our national bird sored above the trees.
There are 3 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

19 Bellwork 12-8 Answers The bald eagle, our national bird, soared above the trees. Our national bird is an appositive and needs to be offset by commas. Soared is the correct spelling. Sore means to hurt.

20 Bellwork 12-9 “Dear Mr. Johnson” his letter of exceptance from FAMU began. There are 2 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

21 Bellwork 12-9 Answers “Dear Mr. Johnson:” his letter of acceptance from FAMU began. In a formal letter, a colon is used instead of a comma. The correct word is acceptance.

22 Bellwork 12-10 We’ve never travelled so much, its fun.
There are 3 errors. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. Learning Goal: The student will be able to find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

23 Bellwork 12-10 Answers We’ve never traveled so much; it’s fun.
Traveled only has one “l”. A common is not enough in this sentence. You need to have either a semicolon or a period. A semicolon is preferable here because the second sentence is very short. It’s is the correct word here because it is short for it is.

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