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Public Humiliation Weeds and Roses.

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1 Public Humiliation Weeds and Roses

2 Weed #1: Move Smoothly What is the purpose of transitions?
What kind of transitions are there? Implicit Explicit When should we use a transition?

3 Transitions Another Moreover Also In addition The second Finally
Explicit Implicit Another Moreover Also In addition The second Finally Pulling language down from the previous sentence The honeybadger didn’t feel well, so it vomited on Mom’s rattan rug. The rug had been purchased as an anniversary gift… Referencing an earlier idea, assuming newly gained knowledge Despite this, public humiliation… Dependent clauses work well for this

4 Effective Transitions:
“Dimmesdale, unlike Hester, did not confess his sin.” “On the contrary, the character Dimmesdale in the novel The Scarlet Letter was not publically humiliated.” Public humiliation, however, is not a newly developed source of humility and punishment.” What are the transition phrases/words in each of these examples?

5 Weed #2: Analyze, Analyze!
The reader will not go beyond the page How much commentary/analysis should there be per concrete detail? What does commentary do for your essay? How do you create more commentary? How? Why? So What? Who cares? What’s the significance?

6 For example… “Dimmesdale, on the other hand, does not admit to sinning, and has to live knowing his secret. Holding his guilt eventually tears him apart and kills him. In today’s society, it is necessary that people confess to their sins, and endure public humiliation, instead of killing themselves with guilt.” What questions can we ask ourselves to elicit more CM? How does the p.h. rid guilt? How might D. have fared if he had been p.h.? Why does p.h. alleviate guilt? So what? What’s the importance of D (not) being p.h.? Who cares? Why is this important to us today?

7 Now you try: “With Hester being publically humiliated for her sin, she was able to learn form it; eventually she learned to accept herself and look past her single mistake.” Add two sentences of CM. Focus on the HOW and WHY of what is already there.

8 Weed #3: Use yo’ brain!! What did the prompt ask?
“Use specific historical, literary and/or personal examples to develop your position.” If your entire paper revolved around The Scarlet Letter, what does that say about you as a person/student/citizen? What other examples might you use?

9 Weed #4: Give Credit Where Credit is Due!
ACKAKAKAKAKKKAKAAACKCKCCK!!! If you use the provided quote, what must you do??

10 “Some believe that to rid this guilt requires public humiliation
“Some believe that to rid this guilt requires public humiliation. They believe, “Humiliation is the beginning of sanctification” (John Donne). In Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel, The Scarlet Letter, the people of Massachusetts believes a sinner needs to wear his sin on his chest.” “While many try to avoid humiliation, it is almost inevitable when caught in a crim. Though humans desire no humiliation whatsoever, John Donne argues that “Humiliation is the beginning of sanctification.”

11 Roses!! Strong intros and theses!! 99% of you answered the prompt!!
Clear organization (I have a hunch the outline helped?)

12 Roses! “Public humiliation forever labels a person as a sinner.”
Nice work organizing around sub-claims “Public humiliation forever labels a person as a sinner.” “PH does not teach people the difference between right and wrong…” “One of the reasons PH is so effective is that it shatters self-image and pride.”

13 Roses!! Excellent diction choices:
“Often times people scoff at these magazines…” “…the red-hot feeling of shame…” “…the guilt inside of you grows like fungus…” “It can encourage rather than punish, shame rather than teach, and jail rather than free…” “Hester has emerged less scathed than Dimmesdale…”

14 Nice work, Team!! This means you are getting it!!
Scores 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 6 9 3 Nice work, Team!! This means you are getting it!!

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