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Understanding & Ignorance

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1 Understanding & Ignorance
What you know that you know What you think you know, but don’t What you know that you don’t know What you don’t know that you don’t know Economics Research methods Psychology Anthropology Sociology Sociology Psychology Economics Research methods Anthropology GROUP : Students Subgroup: Football fan Subgroup: Sorority sisters Subgroup: Football fan

2 Dominant Culture Dominant Culture Dominant Culture
ASSIMILATION Groups merged into a single common culture Minorities adopt traits of dominant culture PLURALISM Allows diversity to thrive as long as dominant group is not threatened MULTICULTURALISM Recognizes multiplicity of legitimate cultural centers Promotes equity among groups Dominant Culture Dominant Culture Dominant Culture Minority Culture Minority Culture Minority Culture Minority Culture Minority Culture Minority Culture Minority Culture Minority Culture Minority Culture Identical Fraternal Same Environment Different Environment IDEAS are ways of thinking that organize human consciousness NORMS are accepted ways of carrying out ideas MATERIAL CULTURE refers to patterns of possessing and using the products of culture Ideologies (Ex: capitalism, communism) Technologies (Ex: computers, auto production) Examples Beliefs and values Examples Folkways, Mores, Laws Examples Quilts, jewelry, cars

3 Typical Characteristics
Socialization Conforming Behaviors Economic Benefits Conflict Theory Prejudices are passed from parents, friends, and media. Prejudices bring social support from others. Prejudice rises when groups are in competition for jobs. Authoritarian Personality Ethnocentrism Group Closure In order to maintain social status, power, and possessions, privileged groups aim to ensure that no competition for resources arises from minority groups. Some people are prone to stereotyping. Some cultures are suspicious of outsiders Groups maintain clear boundaries Academic Class Models Class Typical Characteristics Salary Capitalist (1%) Top-level executives, high-rung politicians, heirs, celebrities. Ivy League education common. $500k Upper middle (15%) Highly educated (often with graduate degrees), most commonly salaried professionals and middle management with large work autonomy $100k to $500k Lower middle (32%) Semi-professionals and craftsmen with a roughly average standard of living. Most have some college education and are white collar. $35k to $75k Working (32%) Clerical, pink and blue collar workers with often low job security. Standard of living varies depending on number of income earners, but is commonly just adequate. High school education. $16k to $30k Lower (20%) Those who occupy poorly-paid positions or rely on government transfers. Some high school education. >$16k

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