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Comp. II March 6, 2018.

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1 Comp. II March 6, 2018

2 Create a Small Team Form groups of three or four.
As a team today, you will read, analyze, and discuss three stories. Your participation in this group assignment = 50 points towards your daily grade #5. The other 50 points will come from a reader-response to a text you are planning on analyzing / discussing in paper 2. If you are staying with the same text from paper 1, then you will need to be writing about a secondary source for paper 2.

3 FYI Daily Grade 5 is graded if it was turned in on time. If it was late, it will be graded when I find the time. Revisions of Paper I are due this Friday (tomorrow) at 7 a.m. Paper II is due next Friday at 4 p.m. Grades are also updated on

4 Also as a team, discuss numbers 1-5 on page 869.
Practice Analysis Session, Story 1 / No phones or electronics: just you, your friends, and the book As a team, read Ursual K. LeGuin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” (864). Also as a team, discuss numbers 1-5 on page 869. After this first session, I may switch around some team members, depending on what I see as you work together. (Hint: If you all work together beautifully and stay focused and on task, I will not have to separate you from the groups you have chosen. If I see students who I know are intelligent, but they seem to feel intimidated by groupmates, and I am not hearing enough of their voices, I will rearrange the groups until I think we have a good fit for everyone. My idea of a “good fit” might not be the same as your idea of a good fit because I am looking at how you need to improve, not whether or not you are able to work with your best bud.)

5 Analysis Session 1, Story 2 / still only you, the book, and your friends
As a team, read William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” (1102). As you read, make a list of possible symbols. Once you finish reading, discuss the possible symbols and what they might mean. Also as a team, discuss answers to numbers 1-5 on pages For number 5, you only need to speculate on what would happen if you were to re- read it.

6 Analysis Session 2, Story 3 / This time you may have a phone out to look up words.
As a team, read Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado” (1117). Again keep a list of what might be symbolic in the story and discuss what they might be symbolic for once you are done reading. Discuss numbers 1-5 on page 1123.

7 Daily Writing 5 (the next 50 points)
Write a reader response for the story you have chosen for Paper 2. If you have decided to keep the same story(ies) as Paper 1, then this needs to be a reader response on a secondary source. This is due tomorrow morning at 10:10 a.m., but you can turn it in earlier.

8 Read Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” and Tim O’brien’s “The Things They Carried.”
Check your syllabus for page numbers. Or, use the index or table of contents. They are both in MLM. Read Norton Chapter 15 because you will be writing an annotated bibliography for your next daily grade. Work on Paper I’s revision: due Friday at 7 a.m. Work on Paper II’s first draft: due next Friday at 4 p.m.

9 Homework Complete DG 6 on Hover over the i for the directions (same as what we just went over on the previous slide).

10 Daily Grade 6 Annotated Bibliography for Paper II

11 Annotated Bibliography Requirements
Citation Hanging indent Summary Evaluation – what is the purpose / what does the author “do” with this article / story / could be a theme Reflection on how it will fit with your paper magn0897

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