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“I will tell you now what I do not like

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Presentation on theme: "“I will tell you now what I do not like"— Presentation transcript:

1 “I will tell you now what I do not like
“I will tell you now what I do not like. There is no bill of rights, providing……what the people are entitled to against every government on earth.”

2 Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments Added in 1791

3 1st Amendment R-Religion A- Assembly P- Press P-Petition S- Speech

4 Limits to Freedom of Speech
Slander- speech Libel- written False or harmful to a person

5 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms

6 3rd Amendment Quartering of soldiers-do not have to house soldiers

7 4th Amendment Limits searches and seizures: need a search warrant

8 5th Amendment

9 Self-incrimination- plead the 5th
Do not have to testify against yourself

10 Eminent Domain- private property cannot be taken for public use without just compensation

11 Double Jeopardy- cannot be tried twice for the same crime

12 Grand Jury- determines if there is enough evidence to go to trial

13 Due Process- the federal government cannot take away your life, liberty, or property without due process of law

14 6th Amendment Rights of the accused Right to a lawyer
       Right to a lawyer Right to a speedy trial Right to cross examine witnesses Right to be informed of the crime he/she is accused of

15 7th Amendment In Civil Cases, both parties may request a Jury Trial if the amount of money is over $20

16 8th Amendment No excessive bail or fines No cruel and unusual punishments

17 9th Amendment     The basic rights of the people cannot be denied,even those not named in the Constitution.   Such as right to privacy And right to travel

18 10th Amendment Reserved powers: held by the states or the people    

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