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THE COLD WAR Key Figures

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1 THE COLD WAR Key Figures

2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SS.912.A.6.8 Analyze the effects of the Red Scare on domestic United States policy SS.912.A.6.10 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the early years of the Cold War (Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, Warsaw Pact) SS.912.A.6.11 Examine the controversy surrounding the proliferation of nuclear technology in the United States and the world SS.912.A.6.12 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Korean War SS.912.A.6.13 Analyze significant foreign policy events during the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations

3 The U.S. and Allies Harry S. Truman:
33rd President of the United States Helped to form the United Nations, NATO, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund Policy of communist containment started the Cold War Initiated U.S. involvement in the Korean War.

4 The U.S. and Allies George Marshall:
Served as U.S. Army chief of staff Secretary of State for Harry Truman Crafted the "Marshall Plan" for European recovery Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953

5 The U.S. and Allies Douglas MacArthur: Commanded United Nations forces in Korea Drove North Korean forces back north of the 38th parallel Requested nuclear weapons against North Korea and China and was denied Public criticism of the president’s decision prompted Truman to remove him from command

6 The U.S. and Allies Dwight D. Eisenhower: Supreme commander of NATO
34th President of the United States Emphasized nuclear weapons and the threat of massive retaliation against the Soviet Union Committed federal dollars to fighting Communists in Vietnam Authorized CIA-sponsored coups in Iran and Guatemala.

7 The U.S. and Allies Winston Churchill:
Made the famous "Iron Curtain" speech, warning of Soviet domination in Eastern Europe Believed nuclear arms would be a deterrent to Soviet aggression

8 The U.S. and Allies Chiang Kai-Shek:
Led the Chinese Republic during World War II Forced from power by the Chinese Communists. Served as President of the Republic of China on Taiwan

9 The U.S. and Allies Syngman Rhee:
Elected president of the Korean Provisional Government Became South Korea’s first president in 1948. Stayed in power after the Korean War and was re-elected twice Overthrown by student uprising in

10 The USSR and Allies Joseph Stalin:
After WWII, became obsessed with the threat of an invasion from the West Established Communist governments in many Eastern European countries, creating a "buffer zone" between Western Europe and "Mother Russia“ Ordered an economic blockade on the German city of Berlin

11 The USSR and Allies Mao Zedong:
Chairman of the People's Republic of China Led the Chinese Communist Party in the Chinese Revolution Led China’s "Great Leap Forward" and Cultural Revolution 

12 The USSR and Allies Kim Il Sung:
Became a guerrilla fighter against Japanese occupation. Fought with the Soviet army during World War II Became premier of North Korea, Set in motion the Korean War.

13 Figures of McCarthy Era
Senator Joe McCarthy: Republican Senator from Wisconsin Made unsupported accusations against government officials of being Communist Promoted the Red Scare.

14 Figures of McCarthy Era
J. Edgar Hoover: Director of Federal Bureau of Investigation Instituted strenuous agent- recruiting and advanced intelligence-gathering techniques. Confronted gangsters, Nazis and Communists. Ordered illegal surveillance against suspected enemies of the state and political opponents

15 Figures of McCarthy Era
Edward R. Murrow: Radio and television news broadcaster Gave eyewitness reports of WWII for CBS Helped develop journalism for mass media Hosted the television journalism program, See it Now, which did an exposé of Joe McCarthy

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