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Our Mockingbird Journey

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1 Our Mockingbird Journey
16th November 2018

2 Implementation process of the Mockingbird in RBG
Selected as one of the pilot LA pioneering Mockingbird approach to foster care in England in 2015 Raising awareness of Mockingbird to our Fostering Development Events –May 2015 and on-going First hub home carers recruitment July 2015 & shortlisting & interviews in August 2015

3 Identification of satellite families –initially teenage carers
Appointment of liaison worker – October 2015 First constellation meeting –November 2015 Initial hub home carers resigned- November 2017 Interim hub home carers step up – Nov 2017-Jan 2018

4 Successful appointment of our current hub home carers – Jan 2018
Interviews for potential hub home carers - two successful candidates – Summer 2018 Change of liaison worker – Sept 2018 Big recruitment drive for hub home carers – Sept-Nov 2018 Interviews – Nov 2018 2nd innovation constellation launch – approx. Dec 2018

5 Creating a supportive fostering community
Cascading Mockingbird information to raise awareness of the programme within the fostering community & Children Services Coffee mornings for the satellite carers and hub home carers monthly Traffic light system utilised to predict and plan nature of support needed for our young people/children & satellite carers

6 Building positive relationships
Information sharing between the liaison worker and hub home carers for satellite carers Support between satellite carers Hub home carers attending LAC meetings to support and advocate both for young people / children and their carers

7 Challenges /changes Changes & challenges with the satellite carers – some have now left the constellation for various reasons Maintaining the constellation when the initial hub home carers resigned Individual work carried out with satellite carers to embrace the new hub home carers Change of the liaison worker

8 Continuation… Expectations of hub home carers having two or more rooms available Satellite carers & professionals’ understanding of utilising the hub home carers for respite Continuous drive to increase Mockingbird awareness to the fostering community and professionals

9 Lessons learnt… Clarity on availability of two beds in the hub home
Better understanding of professionals and satellite carers on the role of hub home carers Useful for satellite carers to be part of the constellation long before problems in the placement emerge

10 Continuation… Availability of satellite carers if needed to support the hub home carers Mockingbird liaison worker supervising hub home carers – efficient use of social worker’s & hub home carers’ time

11 Maintaining/stabilising placements and support to satellite carers
Traffic light support system One to one with the young people/children/ satellite carers Mentoring and coaching of satellite carers Impact for children & young people in the constellation –case studies

12 Impact for satellite carers in the constellation - case studies
The case studies highlighted demonstrate the benefits the emotional wellbeing, feeling of being supported and a sense of belonging to the young people and satellite carers have experienced through positive relationships within the constellation.

13 Challenges recruiting hub home carers
Foster carers feeling inadequate and inexperienced to undertake the role. Not fully understanding the delivery task Currently -worries about how they would manage in supporting the young people in our residential home.

14 How have we managed the challenges ?
Current hub home carers sharing their experiences with the potential hub home carers- as part of recruitment. More visibility and accessibility of the Mockingbird team eg publishing Mockingbird materials to create awareness within the fostering community

15 Future plans RBG Fostering Service looks to replicate the Mockingbird constellation in three ways: Current satellite carers developing confidence in breaking from the constellation and becoming hub home carers in their own right Seeking more hub home carers from our available foster carers

16 Continuation … 3. Specific recruitment for potential hub home foster carers externally All fostering households to be part of Mockingbird constellation –long term plan To develop a constellation within the borough with close links with our outstanding children’s home.

17 Exploring the feasibility of developing a constellation out of London

18 Questions and answers …

19 Thank you !

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