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What is Communication? Source: Source:

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Presentation on theme: "What is Communication? Source: Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Communication? Source: Source:

2 The Communication Process

3 The Audience Who are they? Primary Audience (unknown, familiar)
Key Influencers (decision-makers, opinion leaders, gatekeepers) Secondary Audience (colleagues in cc, assistants, intermediaries)

4 What the Audience Needs and Expect?
Think about: Age Gender Occupation Ethnic origin Education Culture

5 The Audience What will persuade the audience? Tangible benefits
Career or task benefits Ego benefits Personality benefits Group benefits Consistency benefits

6 The Writing Process Step 1: Plan Step 2: Write Step 3: Complete

7 The Writing Process – Step 1
Planning 1. Analyze the Situation 2. Gather Information 3. Select the Right Medium 4. Organize the Information

8 Planning Analize the Situation
Define your purpose (general purpose, specific purpose). Develope your audience profile.

9 Planning 2. Gather Information Determine audience needs.

10 Planning 3. Select the Right Medium Oral Face-to-face Conversations
Interviews Speeches Meetings In-person presentations

11 Planning 3. Select the Right Medium Written Letters, Proposals,
Reports, Printed messages

12 Planning 3. Select the Right Medium Visual Charts, Diagrams,
Infographics Tables

13 Planning 3. Select the Right Medium Electronic
Internet telephony services “Skype” Teleconference , blogs, websites, wikis, social networks Electronic presentations, Computer animation Video

14 Planning 4. Organize the Information Define the main idea.
Limit the scope. Select the approach. Outline the content.

15 The Writing Process – Step 2
Adapt to your audience Compose your message

16 Writing Adapt to Your Audience Use the “You” attitude.
Maintain good etiquette. Emphasize the positive. Use bias-free language.

17 Writing Adapt to Your Audience Establish credibility.
Project your company’s preferred image. Use professional and respectful tone. Use plain language.

18 Writing 2. Compose Your Message Choose strong words.
Pay attention to the connotative meaning of words. Balance abstract and concrete terms. Avoid clichés and trendy buzzwords. Use jargon (only when the audience understands it).

19 Vary your sentence structure for interest.
2. Compose Your Message Vary your sentence structure for interest. Develop coherent, unified paragraphs. Use transitions. Use technology.

20 The Writing Process – Step 3
Completing Revise Produce Proofread Distribute

21 Writing Routine and Positive Messages
Start with the main idea. Provide necessary details and explanation. End with a courteous close.

22 Negative Messages Should be delivered in person.
Select the right approach. Close on a respectul tone.

23 Résumé or CV (Curriculum Vitae)
Sections of résumé Name and Contact Information Objective Education Work Experience Activities and Achievements

24 Planning a Presentation
Write Complete

25 Planning a Presentation
Sections of a presentation Introduction Body / Main Part Close

26 Delivering a Presentation
Useful Phrases for Presentations Introduction Welcoming the audience Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlenmen. Hello/Hi, everyone. First of all let me thank you all for coming here today. I’m happy/delighted that so many of you could make it today.

27 Delivering a Presentation
Introducing yourself Let me introduce myself. I’m (name) from… For those of you who don’t know me, my name’s … As you probably know, I’m (the new HR manager). I’m (head logistics) here at (name of the company).

28 Delivering a Presentation
Introducing your topic As you can see on the screen, our topic today is… Today’s topic is … What I’d like to present to you today is … The subject of my/our presentation is …

29 Delivering a Presentation
Saying why your topic is relevant for your audience Today’s topic is of particular interest to those of you / us who … My topic is / will be very important for you because … By the end of this talk you will be familiar with …

30 Delivering a Presentation
Stating your purpose The purpose / objective / aim of this presentation is to … What I want to show you is … My objective is to … Today I’ll be showing you / reporting on … I’d like to update you on / inform you about …

31 Delivering a Presentation
Structuring I’ve divided my presentation into three (main) parts. In my presentation I’ll focus on three major issues.

32 Delivering a Presentation
Sequencing First, I’ll be looking at … , second … , and third … I’ll begin / start off by … . Then I’ll move on to …  Then / Next / After that … I’ll end with …

33 Delivering a Presentation
Timing My presentation will take about 30 minutes. It will take about 20 minutes to cover these issues. This won’t take more than …

34 Delivering a Presentation
Handouts Does everybody have a handout / brochure / copy of the report? Please take one and pass them on. I can the PowerPoint presentation to anybody who wants it.

35 Delivering a Presentation
Questions There will be time for questions after my presentation. Feel free to ask questions at any time during my talk.

36 Delivering a Presentation
The Body/the main part Saying what is coming In this part of my presentation, I’d like to talk about … So, let me first give you a brief overview

37 Indicating the end of a section
This brings me to the end of my first point. That’s all I wanted to say about …

38 Delivering a Presentation
Indicating the end of a section This brings me to the end of my first point. That’s all I wanted to say about …

39 Delivering a Presentation
Summarizing a point Before I move on, I’d like to recap the main points. Let me briefly summarize the main issues. I’d like to summarize what I’ve said so far …

40 Delivering a Presentation
Moving to the next point This leads directly to my next point. This brings us to the next question. Let’s now move on / turn to …

41 Delivering a Presentation
Going back As I said / mentioned earlier, … As I pointed out in the first section, …

42 Delivering a Presentation
Conclusion Indicating the end of your talk Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation. That covers just about everything I wanted to say about … OK, I think that’s everything I wanted to say about … Finally, I’d like to highlight one key issue.

43 Delivering a Presentation
Summarizing points Just to summarize the main points of my talk … To conclude / In conclusion, I’d like to … To sum up (then), we …

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