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Cloud Computing.

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1 Cloud Computing

2 Topic Overview of Chameleon cloud Cloud Concepts & Terminology
Launch a instance (as a team) Learn about Ansible and automate adding of tools to your instance Install a webserver using ansible

3 What are we using ? Openstack (and the provider is NSF Chameleon)
guides/openstack-kvm-user-guide/ Quick overview of concepts (review of docs at Chameleon) Review of our “CI Lego blocks” from your midterm experience

4 Some Cloud Terminology
Image Ports Size Ingress VCPU Egress Instance IP address (Public and Private) Power state Keypair Zone Volume Snapshot Firewall Security group

5 Ansible Infrastructure as code ! Configuration Management (why ?)
Popular tools for CM (Chef, Puppet etc) Why Ansible ? Concepts: Inventory Playbooks (recipe) & YAML Role of ssh and keys ! Ansible: From Beginner to Pro by Heap, Michael (ebook in our library)

6 Hands on Step 1 Form a group (3 to 4) Log into console for Chameleon
Launch centos7 image Associate public IP (why ?) ssh to it (remember the login name is cc ) This is a vanilla image, lets make it interesting What does it mean to “script your infrastructure”

7 Hands on Step 2 (Ansible)
Install ansible on your laptop (local or virtual box instance) using instructions What is a inventory file (make one) What are modules (use some) Install a package on your instance ansible all -u cc -i inventory.txt --sudo -m yum -a "name=wget state=present” ansible all -u cc -i inventory.txt --sudo -m service -a "name=httpd state=reloaded” What is a playbook (we will use some next class)

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