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AP Biology Nervous Systems Part 3.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Biology Nervous Systems Part 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Biology Nervous Systems Part 3

2 Synapse and Neurotransmitter

3 Nerve Impulse is approaching the axon terminal by Saltatory Conduction
Schwann cell Depolarized region (node of Ranvier) Cell body Myelin sheath Axon

4 Synapse at the axon terminal
Postsynaptic cell Presynaptic cell Na+ Neuro- transmitter Synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitter K+ Presynaptic membrane Postsynaptic membrane Ligand- gated ion channel Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel Postsynaptic membrane Ca2+ Synaptic cleft Ligand-gated ion channels

5 Post synaptic membrane
K+ Rising phase of the action potential K+ Falling phase of the action potential +50 Action potential Na+ Na+ Membrane potential (mV) –50 Threshold K+ Resting potential –100 Depolarization Time Na+ Na+ Extracellular fluid Potassium channel Activation gates Na+ K+ Plasma membrane Undershoot Cytosol Sodium channel K+ Inactivation gate Resting state

6 Synapse with effector cell
Spinal cord Motor unit 1 Motor unit 2 Synaptic terminals Nerve Motor neuron cell body Motor neuron axon Muscle Muscle fibers Tendon


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