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Reference Methodologies for Controlled Discharges (T1 WG1)‏

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Presentation on theme: "Reference Methodologies for Controlled Discharges (T1 WG1)‏"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reference Methodologies for Controlled Discharges (T1 WG1)‏
Group Leader: Trevor Stocki, Health Canada, Canada

2 Working plan for Reference Methodologies for Controlled Discharges (T1 WG1)‏
Presentations on the methodologies for assessments in use by participating countries @ next meeting. (make Table of results)‏ To collect and document different methodologies. To identify differences and common approaches. Create questionnaire for non-participating countries.

3 Plan (continued)‏ Extended glossary with examples in relation to routine releases & reference methodologies used in this group (could be improved by members of the group). To use a common language Include the new idea of “representative person” (ICRP Publication 101).

4 Plan (continued)‏ Define framework reference scenarios (2 to 4).(possibly biota, need framework, approval/capabilities...)‏ Small to large facilities. Radiation labs to nuclear installations. Multiple sources Routine releases (i.e. discharges) to atmosphere & water. Planning stage & operational stage. NORM & anthropogenic sources

5 Plan (continued)‏ Review proposed scenarios at next meeting & set priorities for defining the scenarios in detail. To compare model results/predictions of the selected scenarios (only operational phase)‏ Independent monitoring data would help. Contact other working groups to co-ordinate the scenario selection. Perform model check with available monitoring data for a scenario.

6 Viability/Next meeting.
Group seems viable, members need to check with their home organizations. Next meeting: September 2009 in tentatively Vienna (IAEA). (after IAEA General Conference). Could co-ordinate dates with other WG meetings.

7 List of Participants John Titley (UK)‏ Bela Kanyar (Hungary)‏
Patrick Boyer (France)‏ Trevor Stocki (Canada)‏ Patricia Sotomayor (Chile)‏ Adriana Curti (Argentina)‏ Pawel Krajewski (Poland)‏ Rudie Heling (Netherlands)‏ Iurii Bonchuk (Ukraine)‏ Gaetan Latouche (Canada)‏ We are open for other members to join.

8 List of Participants

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