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Writing Prompts 10/23/16 – 10/27/16.

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1 Writing Prompts 10/23/16 – 10/27/16

2 October 23 Brazilian soccer player, Edison Pele, was born on this day in 1940.  In order to become such an incredible soccer player, Pele had to practice.  What is something that you would like to become better at?  Explain what you will need to do in order to improve your skills.  (This doesn’t have to be a sport.)

3 October 24 Today is National Bologna Day.  Explain to someone how to make your favorite type of sandwich

4 October 25 Pablo Picasso, the famous artist, was born in Spain on this day in 1881.  On your paper draw a picture of your favorite place.  This may be a place that you have visited, or just a place you visit in your mind.  After you have drawn your place, write a few sentences describing this location and why it is special to you.

5 October 26 International Red Cross was organized in Geneva, Switzerland on this day in   This is an organization that helps people in need.  Make a list of at least five (5) ways that you can help people around you

6 October 27 On this day in history a Russian nuclear missile crisis occurred in Cuba. This was known as Black Saturday. The United States came extremely close to nuclear war. What do you think would happen if we had a nuclear war today?

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