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R3 Water: Energy Efficiency

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1 R3 Water: Energy Efficiency
Marjoleine Weemaes WWC Brisbane: October 2016

2 Hydrothermal carbonisation?
What is Hydrothermal Carbonisation? incineration digestion thickening dewatering Conversion process for biomass Thickened sludge (20-30% DM) Pressure + heat (20-25bar, °C) Acid catalyst Exothermal process  Split off HO- -anions and (H+)- cations to water Advantages: Increased dewatering efficiency Production of lignite like biocoal (stablized, hygienized) Possibility to recover P HTC

3 Full scale tests Dewaterability 28% DS 65% DS Industrial scale plant:
1,5t DM Biomass (25% DM) ~ 1,0t DM Biocoal (65% DM) Dewaterability 28% DS % DS What is the capacity of your full scale (or do you prefer to call it demonstration scale) plant?

4 Conclusion Hydrothermal carbonisation proved to be efficient to significantly increase dewatering efficiency Improvement of energy balance in thermal end disposal Opportunities to recover phosphorus

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