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The Fundamentals and Three-Tiered Instruction

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Presentation on theme: "The Fundamentals and Three-Tiered Instruction"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fundamentals and Three-Tiered Instruction
Office of Curriculum and Instruction Mr. Michael Heidelberg Director of Curriculum and Instruction 7-12

2 Vince Lombardi Fundamentals First

3 Caught up in the daily grind? Have-tos? Lists? It’s next…
supposed to…

4 The Fundamentals Simple Ideas - Deeply Understood

5 The Fundamentals Intention / Skill / Feedback What is my purpose?
How am I going to teach it to everyone? Did they get it?

6 Begin with the end in mind Domain 1 – Planning and Prep
The Fundamentals What is the purpose? (Intention) What do I want the students to learn? What standard am I addressing? Student Learning Target / Objectives Begin with the end in mind Domain 1 – Planning and Prep (Lesson Plans)

7 Domain Three - Instruction
The Fundamentals How am I going to teach this to everyone? What is the best way to teach this material to the different levels of students that I have? Strategy Driven - teacher bag of tricks SKILL Use the Three-tiered model Domain Three - Instruction

8 The Fundamentals “Effective Instruction is not about whether we taught it. It’s about whether the students learned it.” Did they get it? Multiple and Purposeful checks for understanding Formative Assessment – Use of data Questioning Strategies - Delving, whole class, whiteboards, there are literally hundreds Empower the students to monitor their own learning- rubrics, checklists

9 How am I going to teach it to everyone?
The Fundamentals What is my purpose? How am I going to teach it to everyone? Did they get it?

10 The Fundamentals Three Part Objective
Today I will - (How am I going to teach it to everyone) So I can - (Purpose) I know I got it if - (Did they get it))

11 The Fundamentals What is my purpose?
How am I going to teach it to everyone? Did they get it?

12 How am I going to teach it to everyone?
Three Tiered Instructional Model Research Based Model All subject areas

13 The Three Tiered Model and Why?
Ummm.. Did you look at our TEST SCORES? You already do it…. Research Based….

14 In every Aspect of Good Educational Practice
RTI Model Tier One - All students revive high-quality, scientifically based instruction Tier Two - Students not making adequate progress in the core curriculum are provided with increasing levels of intensive instruction Tier Three - Individualized intensive interventions that target the students’ skill deficits for the remediation of existing problems and the prevention of more severe problems

15 In every Aspect of Good Educational Practice
Historical Perspectives and Evidence Based Instruction Model

16 Other Research and Models
Biancarosa, G., and Snow, C.E. (2004). Reading Next-A Vision for Action and Research in Middle and High School Literacy: A Report from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Washington, DC: Alliance for Excellent Education. Graham, S. and Perin, D.( 2006). Writing Next – Effective Strategies to Improve Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High Schools: A Report to the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Washington, DC: Alliance for Excellent Education. Getting Students Ready for College-preparatory/Honors English: What Middle Grades Students Need to Know and Be Able to Do. Atlanta, GA: Southern Regional Education Board. Hirsch, E.D. (2006) Building knowledge: The case for bringing content into the language arts block and for a knowledge –rich curriculum core for all children.

17 Kamil, Michael, (2008) Improving Adolescent Literacy: Effective Classroom and Intervention IES, US DOE. PracticesTatum, A.W. (2005). Teaching reading to black adolescent males: Closing the achievement gap. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers. Torgesen, J. K. (2004). Avoiding the devastating downward spiral. American Educator. Torgesen. J. (2005b). Recommendations for actions to accelerate the reading development of struggling readers in Florida’s middle schools. A report for the Governor’s Reading Advisory Council. Florida: Florida Center for Reading Research. Wren, S. (n.d.). A school-improvement plan for older struggling readers. Retrieved March 26, 2006 from

18 To move forward we need to align on language
What do you mean when you refer to the Three-Tier Model? Amplify the Problem - Without a best in class Alliance Leadership and Management model our ability to capitalise on our strategic partnerships and demonstrate our value to Roche is diminished. Connecting the dots - Alliance Management is a core discipline and Procurement expertise owned within GPPS for the partnerships with external partners supporting our Clinical Development activities . Clarification of the associated GPPS roles and responsibilities is required to enable us to clearly delineate our support model to both our internal stakeholders and external partners. Now what ? - Proposals for LT review will be developed in our F2F meeting in Little Falls

19 Thee Tiered Instruction
Tier 1: Whole Group - Core Instruction Model Perfection Common Core – NJSLS Standards Rigor - ON GRADE LEVEL Tier 2: Small Groups (4-6 students) Take it to their level Practice standards in small groups Guided Practice with teacher Independent Work Groups – Project Based Learning (PBLs) Tier 3: Targeted, Small, Flexible Groups (1-3 students) Intervention as support for striving students Guided Writing & Conferencing Intervention based on formal and informal assessment results

20 Tier 1 Whole Group Instruction
Modeling Perfection Read Alouds - modeling of fluent reading Think Alouds of problem-solving strategies Metacognition Mini-Lessons Modeling of writing strategies Engage disengaged students Build background knowledge Introduce and expand vocabulary Focused on Common Core / SLS Use Rigorous (GRADE LEVEL) materials and Instructional Level

21 Tier 2 Small Group Instruction
Take it to THIER Level Guided reading and writing Reinforce concepts introduced during Tier One Practice reading strategies at their instructional level Provide explicit comprehension strategies Scaffold instruction in reading expository text and grade level textbooks Project Based Learning Researching and using reading materials at Independent reading level Homo and Heterogenous grouping, depending on Purpose

22 Tier 3 Intervention Targeted
Targeted, small, flexible groups (1-3 students) Provide support in skill acquisition through conferencing Reading, Writing, Math Conferences Direct instruction must begin at the lowest level where difficulty is encountered Intervention based on formal and informal assessment results - you MUST know your data and your students

23 Everywhere - Good Instruction
Hockey Lesson from PE

24 Tier 1 Whole Group Instruction
Modeling Perfection Positioning in Hockey

25 Tier 2 Small Group Instruction
Take it to THIER Level Guided Practice - small groups

26 Tier 3 Intervention Targeted
Direct instruction - Direct Feedback and individualized attention


28 Three-Tier Be Flexible! A LOT of work - planning
Groups have roles - must practice, make it as SELF Directed as possible Check everything randomly Have alternate assignments for non-engaged students - dictionary Orchestra

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