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Organisation of the Hungarian ESDS-team in HCSO

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Presentation on theme: "Organisation of the Hungarian ESDS-team in HCSO"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisation of the Hungarian ESDS-team in HCSO
Kátainé Marosi Angéla

2 Participating organisational units

3 Relations between the Information Section and Section of Analysis
Requests from clients Sent for treatment On Hungary On Hungary Answer in copy On EU treated Sent for treatment On EU Answer in copy treated S. of Analysis Information S.

4 Members of the team Core activity
3 colleagues, all from Analyst Section IT, maps, graphics 2 colleagues regularly (IT-side) 2 colleagues occasionally (maps, graphics) All of them from Editorial Office

5 Division of labour By statistical domains: partly By language: yes
By channel: practically never

6 Division by statistical themes
Specialization in the following themes 1. Social issues employment unemployment earnings 2. Economic issues tourism national accounts industry FDI 3. Technical issues

7 No specialization in Prices External trade
Most often requested indicators

8 Dealing with non-core activities
Reporting (quarterly and final) Application Translation Co-ordination between units Marketing User survey

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