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Archaeologist Mrs. Krupa.

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Presentation on theme: "Archaeologist Mrs. Krupa."— Presentation transcript:

1 archaeologist Mrs. Krupa

2 What do archaeologists do?
Myths Reality They dig up dinosaurs! Paleontologists study dinosaurs. Geologists study rocks. Archaeologists study people of the past through the things they made.

3 What do archaeologists do?
Myths Reality They get to keep whatever they find! It’s against the law to keep archaeological artifacts unless you have a permit.

4 What do archaeologists do?
Myths Reality They hunt for ancient treasure! They want to find things that will help them understand how ancient people lived.

5 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.5 Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.

6 What do archaeologists do?
Myths Reality They spend all their time exploring and digging! They spend a lot of time studying and writing.

7 My fascination with archaeology

8 Archaeology in Israel

9 Archaeology in Nevada Prehistoric

10 Archaeology in Nevada Historic

11 Where I work

12 Where I work Field Technician $17/hour Crew Chief $22/hour
Principal Investigator $30/hour Project Manager $50/hour

13 How can I become an archaeologist?
Do you like “treasure” hunts and discovering new things? Are you fascinated by people and trying to figure out why they do what they do? Do you enjoy learning about the past? Do you enjoy working outside and getting dirty—hiking and digging? Do you enjoy working with a team of people? Do you enjoy researching and learning?

14 How can I become an archaeologist?

15 Archaeologists have a lot of fun!

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