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David Filgueiras-Rama, and José Jalife JACEP 2016;2:1-13

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Presentation on theme: "David Filgueiras-Rama, and José Jalife JACEP 2016;2:1-13"— Presentation transcript:

1 David Filgueiras-Rama, and José Jalife JACEP 2016;2:1-13
Subendocardial Atrial Fibrillation Driver and Its Anatomic Track in a Human Lateral Right Atrial Preparation (A) 3D GE-enhanced MRI shows paths of fibrillatory conduction (red arrows) and re-entrant AF driver (black arrow). Driver region is outlined in black. (B) Re-entrant AF driver (black arrow) along pectinate muscles; dotted lines show location of sections 1, 2, and 3; GE-MRI of sections 1, 2, and 3 show interstitial fibrosis (white) between myocardial layers. (C) Dominant frequency map of sustained AF ([a] 15.6 Hz; [b] 8.9 Hz). (D, left to right) Activation maps during sustained AF for camera 1 (sub-Endo) and camera 2 (sub-Epi), and corresponding transmural activation delay. Reprinted with permission from Hansen et al. (33). 3D = 3-dimensional; AF = atrial fibrillation; DF = dominant frequency; GE = gadolinium enhanced; Inf = inferior; LRA = lateral right atrium; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; RAA = right atrial appendage; Sup = superior; TA = tricuspid annulus. David Filgueiras-Rama, and José Jalife JACEP 2016;2:1-13 American College of Cardiology Foundation

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