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Cultural Hearths A cultural hearth is a source area from which new ideas radiate.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Hearths A cultural hearth is a source area from which new ideas radiate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Hearths A cultural hearth is a source area from which new ideas radiate.

2 Early Cultural Hearths
Mesopotamia Indus River Valley Yellow River Valley Nile River Valley Ganges River Valley Middle America


4 The white dashed line shows the extent of glacial activity.
later culture hearths culture hearths The original humans spread from Africa into the Middle East. From there, into Central Asia and then north into Europe and south into India. Humans then traveled south into the islands and Australia and north into China and eastern Russia. Humans then crossed the land bridge into North America and traveled east to the New England area and South into Middle and South America.

5 What did culture hearths have in common?
Near a river in a temperate climate on arable land abundance of food


7 Advances in agriculture lead to increased crop production.
Not everyone in a given population needs grow their own crops - one farmer can produce enough crops to support more than one family. This then allows people to engage in other activities besides crop raising, animal husbandry, hunting or gathering. As a result of these other activities, new ideas develop and lead to advancements in science, astronomy, mathematics, religion, art, and political systems. These ideas then are spread to surrounding areas.

8 Growth of Cities Literacy Complex Institutions Social Structure Art
6 Features of a Civilization Social Structure Art

9 What other things spread?
Disease Language Food Religion Ideas Inventions culture

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