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Welcome to pre-Calculus!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to pre-Calculus!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to pre-Calculus!

2 Don’t be like this guy… Goodbye $15,000

3 Mrs. Mullen Website: Office Hours Tuesdays 2:30pm to 3:30pm Room 3904

4 Take out a piece of paper.
Write down two questions that you have about me. Write down one question that you have about this course. As a group, choose one question from each category to share with the class! ? ? ? ? ?

5 A flipped classroom is…
A means to increase interaction and personalized contact time between students and teachers and peer-to-peer. An environment where students take responsibility for their own learning. A classroom where the teacher is not the “sage on the stage” but the “guide on the side”. A blending of direct instruction with constructivist learning. A classroom where students who are absent don’t get left behind. A class where content is permanently archived for review or remediation. A class where all students are engaged in their learning. A place where all students can get a personalized education.

6 Top 10 Alg2 Mistakes What not to do
Think about how many times in the past you’ve made these mistakes, and try not to make them anymore!

7 Let’s do some Pre-Calc Top 30 missed on the NCEMPT
Work through the puzzle as a group When all members agree on the answer, you may glue it into place What was the most difficult question for your quad?


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