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The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

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1 The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

2 Rome built great stuff Rome built great roads to travel on and aqueducts to bring water into the city. Rome also built great stadiums and amphitheaters for the entertainment of the people. Romans also developed the use of the arch.


4 Roman Art Mosaics were popular in Rome. A mosaic is a picture made out of small, colored tiles or pieces of glass. The Romans also made great statues that looked like the real thing, even though they were made from stone.


6 Difference Between Republic and Empire
Got rid of a republic form of government, now had an emperor Expanded its borders beyond current-day Italy (as far north a current day England) Christianity became the official religion in 392AD

7 Rome’s first emperor Octavian is Rome’s first emperor.
He took the name Augustus Caesar. Under his rule, Rome expanded and enjoyed a period of peace.

8 Pax Romana Rome lived in peace for 200 years.
It was called the Pax Romana, the Peace of Rome.

9 Rome grew weak Rome grew weak because it had grown too large.
Tax problems couldn’t raise enough money to keep the roads from crumbling. Slavery With so many slaves, the people did not need to work. Internal problems corrupt generals civil wars economic problems.

10 Barbarians at the gates
Romans called the people who destroyed Rome Barbarians. Romans called anyone who didn’t speak Greek, even though the word barbarian actually means uncivilized, lacking in culture and violent. The Roman Empire fell in 476 AD. The eastern part of the empire would survive. It became the Byzantine Empire.

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