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Formative Assessment Summit III

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1 Formative Assessment Summit III
Building a Collaborative Learning Culture Jennifer Daniels 2nd Grade Teacher Sunnyside Unified School District Esperanza Elementary Tucson, Az. Formative Assessment Summit III

2 Collaborative Learning Culture Goals
Build classrooms that are respectful, active, collaborative and growth-oriented Teacher Presence Routines Communication Norms Protocols Group Work Academic Talk

3 How can norms help my students take responsibility for themselves and each other?
“Schoolwide and classroom norms are the foundation for respectful behavior among all in the school community. Norms that simply hang on a poster in the classroom or teacher's room will not create a positive school culture; they need to be discussed and used daily to guide interactions and behavior. Students and teachers must understand and own the norms and hold themselves and their peers accountable for the specific behaviors that define those norms. This takes dedicated time, every day.” EL Education

4 How can protocols support my classroom instruction?
“A protocol consists of agreed upon guidelines that ensure equal participation and accountability. When everyone understands and agrees to using the procedures of the protocol, participants are able to work more effectively both independently and collaboratively. Protocols hold each student accountable and responsible for learning. They teach students how to lead their own learning.” EL Education

5 Disciplinary Learning: Science
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) Constructing explanations (for science) and developing designs (for engineering) Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information Developing and using models

6 Science Talk Unit Guiding Question: How do plants grow and survive? Learning Goal: I am learning how to participate in collaborative conversations to share and discuss ideas. Success Criteria: I can use discussion norms. I can add on to what others say. I can ask for clarification and explanation. ELA State Standards: Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade level topics with peers and adults in small groups. Materials: Research Notebook (Research Notes, Science Talk note catcher, goal setting and reflection) Anchor Charts: What Researchers Do, Science Talk Protocol and Discussion Norms Collaborative Conversation sentence starters Popsicle Sticks

7 Structure of the Lesson
Science Talk Protocol: Refer to anchor chart and model with students Group students for Science Talk Goal Set (discussion norms) Science Talk Reflect on goal Communicate Learning Goal Communicate Success Criteria: Review Discussion Norms (Anchor Chart) Review Guiding Question: “How do plants grow and survive?” Students refer to previous research/notes for evidence

8 How do discussion norms promote productive and equitable conversations?
As you watch the video, look for ideas that will help answer the question. Record your ideas on the chart to prepare for a group discussion

9 Gather in groups of 4 Each participant needs a popsicle stick Use the Science Talk Protocol and Discussion Norms to share and discuss your ideas Use the collaborative conversation sentence starters to build on others’ ideas and/or ask for further explanation/clarification

10 Agency Identity Equity

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