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Case Study #2 Hematology.

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1 Case Study #2 Hematology

2 History 10-year-old male Labrador retriever.
Normally a fairly active senior dog. Lethargic and anorexic over the past 2 days.

3 Physical Examination Tachypnea Pale mucous membranes Weak
Vomited small amounts of blood during the physical exam

4 Clinical Findings Hematology Reference Range PCV (%) 13.3 37–55
Reference Range PCV (%) 13.3 37–55 Hgb (g/dL) 3.8 12–18 RBC (x106/uL) 2.2 5.5–8.5 MCV (fL) 61 60–77 MCH (pg) 17.4 19.5–24.5 MCHC (g/dL) 28.8 32–36 WBC (x103/uL) 28.2 6.0 –17.0 WBC (corrected) (x103/uL) 26.1 6.0–17.0 Neuts (×103/uL) 24.8 3.0–11.4 Bands (×103/uL) 1.0 0–0.3 Lymphs (×103/uL) 1.0–4.8 Monos (×103/uL) 0.26 0.15–1.35 Platelets (×103/uL) 76 200–500 Retics (%) 7.6 0–1.5 Retics (corrected) (%) NRBC (×103/uL) 2.1

5 Findings on PBS (Diff-Quik stain)

6 Findings on PBS (New methylene blue stain)

7 Interpretation Erythrocyte parameters are indicative of anemia and are consistent with the clinical signs of weakness, pale mucous membranes, and tachypnea. In cases of anemia, a reticulocyte count should be performed on a new methylene blue smear to determine if there is evidence of regeneration. Reticulocytes and nucleated red blood cells are present, indicating that the anemia is regenerative. Primary poikilocytes are erythrocytes. Anisocytosis is present also.

8 Interpretation Neutrophilia and the presence of increased immature (band) neutrophils are indicative of an inflammatory leukogram. Lymphocytosis is indicative of a stress leukogram. Platelet numbers are decreased, and with the presence of schistocytes, DIC is suspected.

9 Summary The owner declined further diagnostic procedures (such as imaging) and elected euthanasia. Necropsy revealed a 12-cm mass of splenic origin that had ruptured, and there was free blood in the abdomen. Pathology was not performed to identify the mass; however, given the age and breed of the dog, hemangiosarcoma was strongly suspected.

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