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Baseball Rules
Players, Field and Equipment
Rule 1 Players, Field and Equipment
Players Nine Players per Team One Player is Designated as Captain
Captain and Head Coach represent the team in communication with umpires Lineup Card shall include Name, Number, Position and Batting Order of Starting Players Must List the Name and Number of all Substitutes on the Lineup Card (2011 Rule Change) Lineups become official when exchanged, verified and accepted by the umpire-in-chief at pregame conference
Players All fielders except the Catcher shall be on fair ground at the Time of the Pitch At least one foot touching fair ground PENALTY: Illegal Pitch (Balk with Runners) Players, except Pitcher, may change fielding positions at any time Pitcher must satisfy Rules and 3-1-2 No Substitution may change the Batting Order All Substitutions are reported to the Plate Umpire
Field On-Deck Circle Temporary Dugout Extension
Teams may not warm up in the other Teams On-Deck Circle Temporary Dugout Extension Must be extended toward Outfield (parallel to the foul line) Must be equal extension for both Teams Pitching Mounds that do not meet regulations Play the game Batter / Catcher Box Batter: 4’ wide x 6’ long centered on middle of home plate Catcher: 43” wide x 8’ long starting from the point of home plate Usually not marked on the field. Play anyway. Media on the field Not allowed in live ball area Designated Media Areas will be Dead Ball Areas
Field – Player / Umpire (2-man) positions
Defense F1 – Pitcher F2 – Catcher F3 – 1st Baseman F4 – 2nd Baseman F5 – 3rd Baseman F6 –Shortstop F7 – Left Fielder F8 – Center Fielder F9 – Right Fielder Offense R1 – Lead Runner R2 – Second Runner R3 – Last Runner BR – Batter-Runner F4 F6 R2 F3 F5 U1 R3 F1 R1 Umpires Plate) – Home plate (Umpire-in-Chief) U1 – Base Umpire BR F2 P
Plate, Batting & Catcher Boxes
6” 3’ 3’ 4’ 8’ FLY BALL OR LINE DRIVE TO RIGHT FIELD U1 GOES OUT PLATE: Comes out in the direction of the play; Has the BR’s touches of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home; Path should keep you ahead of the BR; Retreats to home in fair territory. U1: Reasons the U1 should go out: The outfielder is running hard in towards the infield as if he is going to make the catch on the dead run or dive to make the catch; The outfielder turns his back to the infield and is running towards the outfield wall; Outfielders are converging on the ball; F9 is running toward the foul line and a fair/foul decision may be needed. Communicates to PLATE that he is going out, “I’m going out!” or “I’ve got the ball!” Gets the best distance and angle he can to make the call; Slows to a virtual stop when the play is about to occur; Comes to a complete stop if a fair/foul decision is to be made; The fair/foul signal will be made before the catch/no catch signal is made; Remains out if there is any chance the ball will go out-of-play; After determining that the ball will not go out-of-play, turns, watching the ball, and hustles home, in foul territory; Once he has reached home he should tell PLATE, “I’ve got home!” 43”
Balls What are the regulations for balls?
Spherical, cork, rubber, or similar core 5 – 5.25 ounces in weight 9 – 9.25” in circumference Only NFHS balls are allowed by rule What if they don’t have any? Play the game What if they aren’t new?
Bats Bat Regulations Wood or Non-Wood
Any Bat not made from a Single Piece of Wood must have the BBCOR (Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution) Silkscreen or Permanent Mark. (2012 Rule Change) Non-Wood Bats must have a Safety Grip (10” to 18” in length from the handle) Diameter/Length/Weight Wood: 2 3/4” maximum diameter, 36” Max. Length Non-Wood: 2 5/8” maximum diameter, 36” Max. Length -3 rule. Non-Wood Bat can weigh no less than 3 ounces less than the length (33” bat can not weight less than 30 ounces)
Bats Altering Bats Bats altered from the manufacturer’s original design are illegal. No artificial or intentional means shall be used to control the temperature of the bat. (New 2012 Rule)
Gloves What are the regulations for Gloves?
Pitcher’s Glove may not include the colors white and/or gray Catcher’s Glove may be any size Fielder’s Glove No more than 14” long; 8” wide; 5 ¾” web What if it is larger? Loose Equipment - Gloves, Bats, Helmets, Catcher’s Gear may not be on or near the field Get it in the Dugout! PENALTY: If equipment interferes with play, you decide how to assess penalties
Uniforms Pitcher’s Undershirt
Pitcher’s exposed undershirt sleeves may not be white or gray Vest and Coordinating Shirt If coordinating undershirt is white or gray, it shall not extend below the elbow Pitcher wearing batting gloves or wrist bands The Pitcher shall not wear any items on his hands, wrists or arms which may be distracting to the batter No dangerous of reflective ornaments Each player has 8” tall unique number What if 2 players have the same number?
Helmets Batting Helmet
Mandatory for batters, runners, on-deck, player coaches, non-adult bat/ball shaggers Dual Ear Flaps NOCSAE Stamp and warning label Good Condition (No cracks or damage) Mask or Face Guards are allowed (NOCSAE) Must be worn in live ball areas during live ball PENALTY: Warning to Coach, Second Violation shall result in ejection. Application: Warn. Warn again. Restrict to bench and eject as a last resort.
Catcher’s Gear Helmet Full Cover with Mask – No Skull Caps are allowed
NOCSAE Stamp Good Condition (No cracks or damage) Throat Guard must be attached Hockey Style masks have built in throat guard Chest Protector, Cup, Shin Guards Player’s warming up a Pitcher shall wear Catcher’s Helmet and Cup when in a crouch position
Fielders, Casts, & Jewelry
Face/head protection in the field is allowed No reflective outer surface Guards, Casts, Braces & Splints (Hard and Unyielding Items) Allowed, Must be Padded with ½” Closed-Cell, Slow-Recovery Foam Padding (Rule Change for 2011) Jewelry Not allowed except for religious or medical medals Religious Medals must be taped and worn under the uniform Medical Alert must be taped and may be visible
Equipment Legality Head coach responsible for verifying that all his players and equipment are legal and meet safety standards. Confirmed during the plate meeting. The UIL may authorize exceptions to the rules for reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities and/or special needs. (2012 New Rule) Questions regarding legality of equipment Brought to and resolved by the plate umpire.
Playing Terms and Definitions
Rule 2 Playing Terms and Definitions
Intentional Walk How do you handle an Intentional Walk?
It may be requested by the catcher or the coach It may be done before pitching to the batter, or on any count Call time and award the batter first base When is the Ball put back in Play?
Fair, Foul Ball, Foul Tip How do we determine Fair / Foul?
Determine by the ball location when it hits the ground or a player Don’t get in a hurry to signal fair or foul. How do we signal a Fair Ball? Signal with your arm not your voice (Home plate or field umpire) How do we signal a Foul ball? If everyone saw it go foul, don’t need to call foul ball As necessary, be clear and loud with arms raised Ball is dead immediately Foul Tip? Batted ball that goes directly into the catcher’s glove/hands. Must be caught by catcher (2011 Rule Change) Foul Tip Mechanics (Signal only, no verbal call) Ball remains live
Catch / No Catch How do we determine Catch / No-Catch?
Fielder getting “secure” possession of ball in his hands and/or glove and the “continuing action” is complete Can’t use his cap, protector, mask, pocket or other parts of the uniform to trap the ball Don’t get in a hurry to signal catch / no-catch How / Why do we signal a Catch? Signal in a clear voice along with the arm signaling an out Signal is for your partner(s) to let them know that a catch has been made, not for the players/coaches Important for determining tag-ups (Determined once the fielder has touched the ball)
Illegal Pitch What is an Illegal Pitch? Penalty with no runners
Quick Pitch Pitches while not in contact with the Pitcher’s Plate Defaces the ball which is then pitched Penalty with no runners The Ball is Dead, batter is awarded one ball Penalty with runners on The Ball is Dead, This is a balk
Infield Fly What conditions trigger the Infield Fly Rule?
Less than 2 outs; Runners on 1st and 2nd or the bases are juiced Fair Fly Ball (not a line drive or attempted bunt) Can be caught with ordinary effort by an infielder Batter is out, other runners may advance at their own risk What if an outfielder makes the catch? What if the ball is dropped… After being touched in fair or foul territory? untouched in fair territory? untouched in fair territory, then rolls foul?
Infield Fly Know that the situation exists before the play Exchange signals with your partner(s) Don’t get in a hurry to signal/declare an Infield Fly Who makes the call? Umpire Communication…How / Why do we signal an Infield Fly? Signal in a clear loud voice (“Infield Fly, batter is out”) along with the arm raised signaling an infield fly Signal is for the base runners If ball near the foul line, declare “In-field Fly, if fair”
Interference Offensive Team Umpire Spectator Ball is Dead Immediately
Verbal or Physical Player interferes with, obstructs, impedes hinders or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play Runner creates Malicious Contact Coach physically assists a runner Umpire Hinders the catcher’s throw Fair ball touches the umpire Thrown ball lodges in umpire’s gear Spectator Ball is Dead Immediately
Obstruction Physical, Verbal, Intentional or Unintentional
Defensive Team Hinders a runner or changes the pattern of play Catcher Hinders a batter Ball is Dead at the end of playing action Fake Tag (See next Slide) A Fielder may not deny the runner access to a base without possession of the ball. (No play is imminent rule in NFHS Rules)
Fake Tag Prohibited by rule By definition, a fake tag is obstruction
A fake tag is also illegal conduct PENALTY: Warning to coach of team involved and next offender shall be ejected Award obstructed runner minimum of one base
Slides Can be either feet or head first
Slide must be within reach of the bag by either a hand or foot Illegal Slides: Rolling, cross-body or pop-up slide into a fielder Feet higher than the fielder’s knees (Standing position) Runner goes beyond the base and then makes contact with or alters the play of the fielder. Runner slashes, kicks, and/or tries to injure the fielder On force play does not slide on the ground and in a direct line between the bases Note: A Runner is never required to slide, but if he does not slide he may not interfere
Substitutions Eligible substitute that replaces a player already in the line-up Unreported substitute: Player who, by rule, can be in the game but has entered without reporting. No penalty Illegal Substitutes: Player who enters or re-enters the game without eligibility Player who re-enters that game in a different batting order Enters on defense while the player being replaced is also on defense Player for whom the DH is batting, enters the game as a batter/runner in a different position in the order Player who violates the courtesy runner rule
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