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Zoltán Dunkel The role of MMT

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1 Zoltán Dunkel The role of MMT
- Hungarian Meteorological Society - in the public communication of climate change issues from meteorological point of view Zoltán Dunkel Co-President of MMT

2 HUNGARY Area: 93,000 km2 Population: 10 millions Capital: Budapest Temperature mean: 10,5°C Precipitation: mm Language: magyar MMT Hungarian Meteorological Society, 1925 OMSZ Hungarian Meteorological Service, 1870

3 Few words about MMT Magyar Meteorológiai Társaság Hungarian Meteorological Society Established in Why? To help the surviving of What is ? The only Hungarian meteorological scientific journal (the name means WEATHER). It was established in 1897. Nowadays only the title is Hungarian!

4 from the Constitution of MMT Membership: 400 fellows
‘The basic object of MMT is the study of meteorology improving the general education, disseminating meteorological knowledge, the environmental mentality and new scientific results. The MMT organizes scientific meetings and symposia, establishes permanent and ad hoc committees, maintains sections, co-operates with other institutions and international organizations…. ….issues and edits meteorological publications, ….prepares meteorological studies, ….awards the outstanding meteorological activities….‘ from the Constitution of MMT Membership: 400 fellows Agro- and Biometeorological Section Section for Atmospheric Dynamics Section for Atmospheric Environment Sun- and Wind Energy Section Aviation Meteorology Section Róna Zsigmond Youth Club

5 Does irritate the bad statement you?
Climate Change Fashionable theme in scientific, popular, and in tabloid papers, publications. Everybody is specialist in CC issue except meteorologists What we should do? Last activity of MMT: questionnaire about the role of ‘meteorology’ in CCC (climate change communication) How frequently did you meet bad meteorology related statement/information? Frequently 51% Sometimes 46% Never 3% Does irritate the bad statement you? It does not disturb 5% Little 26% I am very angry 69%

Should react meteorological organization (university, society, service, academy)? It is not worth, no influence 6% Only friendly remark 10% Asking official correction 15% Non regular expert information 69% What is strategically import in the future? Scientific co-operation 54% Media 17% Safeguarding of interests 13% No need to deal with others 12% Political issues 4% THANK YOU YOUR ATTENTION!

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