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Cultural Globalization

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1 Cultural Globalization


3 Cultural Globalization
The rapid spread of ideas, attitudes, and values across national borders

4 Cultural Hybridization
Basic concepts Cultural Identity The identity of a group, culture, or an individual influenced by one’s belonging to a group or culture Cultural Imperialism The practice of imposing one’s cultural products and values onto other societies (e.g., Americanization: the global influence of American products and culture upon other countries in the world) Cultural Hybridization The mixing of different cultural traits to create new cultural forms that did not previously exist

5 Discussion Questions Has your cultural identity been affected by globalization? How? Do you think Americanization will ultimately result in the end of cultural diversity? Why or why not?

6 Who is the woman in this cartoon?
What are some symbols that are “offensive” to Quebec’s values? How is this issue related to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom?

7 Bill 60

8 Discussion Questions What are the underlying reasons for the Bill 60?
Why do you think this bill was proposed in Quebec but not elsewhere in Canada?

9 Agree or Disagree? Canada is losing its ideas, attitudes, and values as the American popular culture is widely spread and immigrants introduce new customs.

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