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plant start wait attract land fold add board work wash laugh fix live

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Presentation on theme: "plant start wait attract land fold add board work wash laugh fix live"— Presentation transcript:

1 plant start wait attract land fold add board work wash laugh fix live
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2 /id/ or /t/ or /d/ paint - painted /id/ clean - need decide dislike prepare represent entertain

3 Past Progressive

4 How do we form the Past Progressive?
to be (was or were) + infinitive + -ing I was playing with a ball. You were walking down the street. He was boarding the plane. She was ordering pizza. We were eating lunch. They were playing with a ball.

5 Negative I was not playing with a ball. You were not walking down the street. He wasn’t boarding the plane. She wasn’t ordering pizza. We weren’t eating lunch. They were not playing with a ball.

6 Question word Auxiliary verb Subject Main verb How were they learning
English so fast? When was he walking home? Were you thinking about something? Was she buying a T-shirt? After going over the pattern and demonstrating in the pattern in questions on the board – have students write 10 questions to ask their classmates.


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