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Aim: Why does the Moon have phases?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Why does the Moon have phases?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Why does the Moon have phases?
Phases of the Moon Aim: Why does the Moon have phases?

2 Do Now: What do I mean if I say you’re a LUNATIC? Are there certain times when people are more likely to act like lunatics? Explain The prefix Luna refers to the moon. Usually lunatics come out around the full moon.

3 Moon Notes The moon revolves around the Earth once a month (about 27.3 days) The moon appears to be lit up because the sun is shinning on it. The moon phases depend upon the moon’s position in its orbit around the Earth.

4 Moon Notes Continued D. Half the moon is always lit up by the sun!
* Depending upon where the moon is in its orbit around us, we see different parts of the lit half. This is what causes the moon’s phases!!!

5 Important Moon Phase Terms:
Waxing- going from a new moon to a full moon Waning- going from a full moon to a new moon Apagee- when the moon gets farthest away from Earth in its orbit Perigee- when the moon gets closest to the Earth in its orbit


7 Moon Phases Synodic Month= 29.5 days for one complete moon phase cycle (the time it takes the moon to go from new moon to new moon).


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