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ISC Goes Green! Patricia van Bergen, Mini Murali, Cristina Dunn.

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Presentation on theme: "ISC Goes Green! Patricia van Bergen, Mini Murali, Cristina Dunn."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISC Goes Green! Patricia van Bergen, Mini Murali, Cristina Dunn

2 Map of Curacao

3 Malpais : Landfill in Curacao

4 The dirt you see is covering LAYERS of garbage and trash!
Pictures of Malpais The dirt you see is covering LAYERS of garbage and trash!

5 How does a landfill work?

6 The landfill will reach its maximum capacity soon

7 ..therefore if we keep piling up our trash, without minimizing the amount: landfills will be packed sooner!

8 …so a landfill can fill up.
Which leads to many problems, or the creation of more landfills!

9 So, if we have more landfills on Curacao…

10 But, there are items that we can recycle or reuse, in order to REDUCE the amount garbage we make!

11 Let’s Talk Numbers… Recyclable trash, such as plastic bottles, can be stuck in the landfill for over 100 years!!!!! If this keeps going on, us humans will no longer have room to live on this amazing earth!

12 Did you know….? That not only will plastic be harmful on land, but it will be extremely harmful to poor, innocent sea creatures, if these materials land up in the water!

13 Imagine this… If we recycled 5 tons worth of paper, which is the same thing as ONE elephant, we can save about 85 trees! = x85

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