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Powering Down: MEAG and Santee Cooper
13 November 2018 Powering Down: MEAG and Santee Cooper Debtwire Municipals journalists and analysts discuss prospects for two important Southeast utilities
AGENDA Opening Remarks: Background/History: Recent Developments: Q&A
Yong Lim, Desk Editor Background/History: Greg Clark, Head of Municipal Research Recent Developments: Patrick Ferguson, Senior Reporter Q&A
Joint action agency created under state law in 1975. Generating mix includes coal, oil, gas, and previously constructed nuclear facilities. Vogtle nuclear plants 3&4 were preceded by Vogtle nuclear facilities 1&2. In May 2005, Vogtle 1&2 co-owners agreed to construct Vogtle 3&4.
In April 2008, Georgia Power Company (GPC), agent for the co- owners, contracted with Westinghouse and other parties to build Vogtle 3&4. Co-owners of Vogtle 3&4 are GPC (45.7%), Oglethorpe Power Corporation (30.0%), MEAG, (22.7%), and Dalton, Georgia (1.6%). Oglethorpe is an electric co-op owned by 38 electric distribution utilities in Georgia. In March 2010—prior to construction—commercial operation of Vogtle 3&4 units was expected April 2016 and April 2017, respectively.
Construction of Vogtle 3&4 began March 2013 and November 2013. By August 2015, commercial operation dates were delayed to 2Q19 and 2Q20. Westinghouse filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 2017. Later that year, GPC and other co-owners, with approval of the Georgia Public Service Commission, decided to continue Vogtle 3&4 construction with Bechtel as primary contractor. Estimated completion dates are now November 2021 and November 2022.
Project completion was 69.9% as of 31 July, but actual construction was 55.3%. On 8 August 2018, cost increases of USD 2.2bn were announced for Vogtle 3&4. MEAG’s share of these costs is USD 500m. On 26 September 2018, the co-owners agreed to continue construction. As part of the agreement, GPC agreed to assume a greater share of the liability if project costs continue to increase. MEAG signed 20-year power purchase contracts for Vogtle 3&4 power with JEA (f/k/a Jacksonville Electric Authority) and PowerSouth.
JEA is a component unit of the City of Jacksonville. PowerSouth is a cooperative that serves 20 members in Alabama and northwest Florida. Although JEA and PowerSouth each signed 20-year contracts to purchase Vogtle 3&4 power, neither has voting rights regarding Vogtle 3&4 continuation.
In a 17 August letter to MEAG’s CEO, JEA’s interim CEO demanded that MEAG vote to cancel Vogtle construction. On 24 August, MEAG’s CEO responded that he expected JEA to meet its contractual agreements. MEAG noted in its 24 August letter that cancellation of Vogtle 3&4 would be an event of default on its US Department of Energy (DOE) loans, giving DOE the option to accelerate debt incurred via those agreements. If DOE took that action, it would lead to acceleration of MEAG’s J, M, and P bonds.
Security for Vogtle bonds Project M Bonds Take-or-pay power sales contracts with MEAG’s Project M participants, which agree to collect annual taxes sufficient to make required payments. Project J Bonds Take-or-pay agreement with JEA for 20 years, beginning with the respective commercial operation dates of Vogtle 3&4. If either unit is canceled or terminated, JEA is obligated to pay 50% of any remaining acquisition and construction costs. JEA’s payments to MEAG are JEA’s operating and maintenance expenses and senior to debt service on JEA’s own bonds. Project P Bonds PowerSouth’s obligation for Project P bonds is similar to JEA’s for Project J bonds.
MEAG Debt Excluding Vogtle Debt
Moody’s S&P Fitch Debt Outstanding (USD 000)* Project One Senior 290,525 Rating A1 (stable) A (negative) Last Reviewed 21 April 2016 28 September 2018 10 August 2018 Project One Subordinated 1,565,878 A2 (stable) A- (negative) General Resolution Senior 119,000 General Resolution Subordinated 509,947 Combined Cycle Project 182,900 7 April 2015 * As of 31 December Figures are not adjusted for unamortized premium or discount and include current portions of long-term debt.
Debt Outstanding (USD 000)*
MEAG Vogtle Debt Moody’s S&P Fitch Debt Outstanding (USD 000)* Vogtle Project M 1,023,940 Rating A2 (stable) A (negative) Last Reviewed 8 October 2018 28 September 2018 10 August 2018 Vogtle Project J 1,427,440 Baa3 (negative) 11 October 2018 18 September 2018 Vogtle Project P 457,920 Baa2 (stable) BBB+ (negative) A- (negative) Department of Energy Loans Project M Not rated 497,201 Project J 337,313 Project P 363,235 * As of 31 December Figures are not adjusted for unamortized premium or discount and include current portions of long-term debt.
Project J Bonds Series Type Issued (USD 000) Outstanding (USD 000)
Maturities Capitalized Interest Reserve Fund 2015A Fixed-rate tax-exempt 185,180 1 July Yes, but not specified in Sources & Uses of Funds Yes 2010A BABs 1,224,265 1,223,800 1 April 2010B Tax-exempt 24,170 7,045 1 April TOTAL 1,443,615 1,416,025
UPDATE: MEAG Higher expected costs announced in August trigger vote
JEA publicly opposes project Politicians weigh in Nature of co-owners’ contract changes, Georgia Power takes on more risk Credit downgrades of MEAG, JEA and City of Jacksonville
MEAG vs. JEA lawsuits Pending lawsuits in Duval County, Florida, and Atlanta, Georgia Battle for venue: Georgia or Florida? JEA’s petition to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Public power utilities wary of FERC involvement
State-owned utility created in Advisory Board includes the governor and other state officials. Began electric power operations in 1942. Primary generation source is coal, supplemented by natural gas, nuclear, and purchased power. Sells power on both a wholesale and retail basis. Largest customer is Central Electric Power Cooperative, which provided 59% of Santee Cooper revenues. Other wholesale customers provide 4% of revenues, retail 23% and industrial 14%.
Summer 2&3 nuclear plants were preceded by Summer No. 1, which began service in 1983. On 23 May 2008, South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) and Santee Cooper signed a construction agreement with a consortium consisting of Westinghouse and Stone & Webster. Ownership shares were 55% (SCE&G) and 45% (Santee Cooper). Originally expected completion dates for Summer 2 and 3 were April and January 2019, respectively.
By October 2015, respective completion dates were August and August 2020. Westinghouse filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 2017. On 31 July 2017, construction of Summer 2&3 was suspended.
Debt Outstanding (USD 000)*
Santee Cooper Debt Moody’s S&P Fitch Debt Outstanding (USD 000)* Revenue bonds 7,367,045 Rating A2 (negative) A+ (negative) A+ (negative watch) Last Reviewed 17 August 2018 21 August 2018 7 March 2018 Unenhanced commercial paper 464,984 Prime-1 Not rated Not applicable * As of 31 December 2017.
Potential sale of Santee Cooper Political climate around Santee Cooper Dominion Energy’s proposal to buy SCANA Ability of Santee Cooper, utilities to charge customers for unfinished nuclear project
Bond Prices – MEAG M, J, P, JEA, and Santee Cooper Since 2 August 2018
Bond Prices – MEAG M, J, P Since 2 August 2018
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