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CCPS membership meeting March 2010

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1 CCPS membership meeting March 2010
(Re-)Introduction to the CCPS website Davina Adamson Information & Communications Officer Careful to say ‘re-introduction’ as aware that many members are already familiar with many parts of the new website. This brief presentation guide should highlight and signpost you to some of the areas of the website that members may not be as familiar with…or even not be aware of how to find the information once you’re on the Home Page.

2 Home Page & Navigation Home page – we’re pretty confident that everyone is very familiar with this opening page. Certainly from the web statistics that we have about the number of pages that people are clicking on…. Search facility in top RHS of page – but hopefully today’s presentation may help for members to know where specific information is held without needing to search for it.

3 Overview of CCPS website
Home Page – links to HSEU & VSSSWU units About Us Members’ section – more to come Events News Policy – Hot Topics pages Publications Contact Us Very briefly, this is what you see within your choices as part of the Home Page – and this is what we think that members are already very familiar with. Within the Home Page, you obviously have links to the Housing Support Unit and Workforce Unit, which we would urge you to access regularly. Most of it is self-explanatory, except that some sections hold more information than others, which may not be immediately apparent. For example. within the Policy section, you have the new Hot Topics pages which are quite detailed pages containing a wealth of information (such as links to guidance, legislation, news stories and links to other useful websites) on specific and current topics such as Regulation of Care and Tendering and Procurement. It appears that these pages are reasonably popular from the number of ‘hits’ they receive, but we think, with more publicity and exposure, these pages could be accessed and utilised by many more people. However, within the members’ section there is a wealth of information that does not appear to be being accessed very frequently – of which, more to come….

4 CCPS website – general News Stories & archive Events pages
RSS Feeds Events pages Conference 2010 Policy and Hot Topics pages Consultations These pages are what we think that members already know about and actively use, judging by the amount of ‘hits’ that these pages seem to receive. Certainly the News Stories are being updated very frequently – and it may be worth considering using the RSS Feed on the News pages which will automatically keep you updated on new stories as they go up, rather than actively having to seek it out (For those of you who would like to know more about how to set up an RSS Feed – please see me later!). The Events pages have recently been updated to include a dedicated section about the forthcoming CCPS Conference (25/26 November 2010!). This section will be updated later this year with details of the conference programme and how to book – so you may wish to bookmark in your favourites now! Policy and Hot Topics pages as I mentioned earlier are very popular – and people seem to be aware of them – but we would encourage people to bookmark them as they are updated regularly.

5 CCPS website – members’ section – in detail
Info Digests and archive Quick Policy Reference Guide Local Authority pages Single Outcome Agreements Members active in each area Representation in local Community Planning Information on local tendering exercises What we are keen to draw attention to is the members section. In particular the members’ section, because it is password-protected, is set up as a benefit/perk only for members and CCPS is very keen that members know what is available from it and where to find information that they need. The reason why we think signposting to these sections would be helpful is because some of the pages within the website hold information which we think is really important, useful and that members will value. So the aim of this is to signpost you to some of the newer features of this section, and introduce you to the uses it may provide for your organisations. Info Digests archive – means you can search by edition (especially if you know you read something somewhere in the hard-copy version, but don’t have it to hand).

6 Quick Policy Reference Guide
QPRG – this is a type of jargonbuster service which aims to make sure that CCPS members have all the information they need about new or unfamiliar areas of policy. It covers areas of legislation e.g. EU Working Time Directive etc, gives explanations about the work of relevant organisations eg Audit Scotland, Community Health Partnerships, and new areas of policy, such as pilot projects, advisory groups and awareness campaigns. This section has been designed as a searchable database to make it more accessible. You can search by the central alphabetical listing, by topic or classification area (see RHS list), or by the search box on the top RHS. Information contained in the QPRG covers historical information about past policy documents and initiatives e.g. Early Years Review, to current and ongoing areas of policy work e.g. PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Groups) Act. This is intended very much as a ‘living’ document and detailed resource tool – previously it was a static PDF document that needed to be downloaded – but this new online database version will be updated regularly, you should already being seeing links to it from other pages e.g Policy pages and News stories that will take you to specific and relevant sections, and there are cross referenced links within it that will take you to other useful sections and external organisations. It really is an asset that your organisation could find very useful.

7 Local Authority Pages These are fairly new pages that list all 32 Scottish Local Authorities. These pages are intended to act as repositories for information relating to each local authority.

8 Local Authority pages By clicking on each one – in this case, Edinburgh City Council – you will find links to information relevant for CCPS members such as information about the Single Outcome Agreements for that council, which CCPS members are active or have services within that council area, local representation in the Community Planning Partnership there, and whether there are any local tendering exercises underway or completed for that council. This is also intended as a ‘living’ and ongoing section of the website – where you can access local information that you may be needing to research. Information has been gathered with the intention that it is as up-to-date as possible – although this is difficult to maintain in some areas eg Community Planning contact details as these change frequently. However, members can assist CCPS by letting us know if they are made aware when some information is no longer relevant or needs to be updated.

9 Questions – to ask you? CCPS would be interested to know from members:
Can you easily find the section you need? Do pages follow on naturally? Can you get to where you want to go? Any changes you would like to see? We are hopeful that this brief overview of some of the more detailed sections of the website, and particularly the members’ section, will prove useful and encourage you to access the website on a regular basis. Having signposted you to these sections, however, we would be keen to find out the following – see list. Not necessarily today – we would encourage you first to go back to the office and tell your staff and colleagues to start surfing first!

10 And finally… For those of you wanting to see the members’ section log-in details…. Log-in - CCPSmember Password - support Remember to click for animation!

11 Questions – for us? Optimistic photo! No questions? That’s fine….
If subsequently, members do have issues they would like to raise, or new information they would like to see included on the website, please contact me at the CCPS office.

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