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Memory – and Changing Data

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1 Memory – and Changing Data
8 Memory – and Changing Data

2 Introduction Memory Sizing and consideration is a vital area for IQ performance Get it wrong and your server(s) will run like a three legged dog! Get it correct and you will achieve all that IQ is capable of Tied to memory is how IQ loads and alters data – hence the reason that this is in this section January 14, 2019

3 Catalog Page Size Back in an earlier section we talked about the ASA page size, and the effect this has on the number of columns in an IQ table To start a server that allows for a large ASA page size you have the –gp option set in the params.cfg file So for a 32K ASA (catalog) page size: -gp needs to be in the start-up line You can then create a database with a 32K Catalog Page Size January 14, 2019

4 Memory How Much RAM for IQ As much as possible!
Most systems should have at least 2 GB Rough rule of thumb is 2 GB per CPU Don’t forget additional RAM for each load being performed Shared memory is only needed on 32-bit systems and some 64-bit systems to wire memory into RAM HP-UX 64-bit should not use –iqsmem January 14, 2019

5 Processors and Disk Controllers
Optimal CPU configuration Queries: 1 CPU per active query – more if queries are complex and can be run in parallel Loads: 1 CPU per HG index plus 1 CPU per 2-5 columns being loaded Disk Controllers 1 fiber controller per 5 write CPU’s 1 fiber controller per 10 read CPU’s In mixed mode operation use the 5:1 ratio Recommend a minimum of 2 controllers January 14, 2019

6 Memory - 1 Operating System ASIQ Server ASIQ Overhead ASIQ Main Cache
This is the memory picture for an IQ machine: Allow between 60 and 100 MB for the O/S and ASIQ Server For a 64-bit system consider up to 10% of the available bRAM for O/S and ASIQ Executable The bottom three boxes are controlled by the options on the following pages Do not exceed the virtual (or real) memory limit for the system Operating System ASIQ Server ASIQ Overhead ASIQ Main Cache ASIQ Temp cache January 14, 2019

7 Memory – 2 Main_Cache_Memory_MB Def: 8 Mb
Used to set the size of the main cache This must be set correctly Temp_Cache_Memory_MB Def: 4 MB Used to set the size of the temp. cache Load_Memory_MB Def: 0 Used to limit the “per user” memory used for loads (not inserts) – default is much too big for most systems All these require a server re-boot as memory is not dynamically re-addressable in IQ-M January 14, 2019

8 Memory – 3 Virtual Memory limits for IQ operating systems:
SOLARIS (2.6 & 2.7) 3 GB SOLARIS bit 32 GB Tru GB (64 bit !) AIX (4.2.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.2) 32bit 2.75 GB AIX 64bit GB HPUX (11.0) 32bit 2.7 GB HPUX (11.0) 64bit 64 GB NT 2 GB (Cache limits) Windows 2000 (NT5) 4 GB SGI IRIX G January 14, 2019

9 Cache Memory Ever since IQ 10 (or before) hit the streets we have said
You probably need more Main Cache than Temp. WRONG ! Start at 50/50 then move to more Temp. Cache There are only a very few limited areas where you need more Main than Temp. January 14, 2019

10 Adding Data to IQ - 1 The fastest way to get data into IQ is to Load from a flat file (10 of thousands of rows per second) The second fastest is to use the INSERT from LOCATION syntax to load from an existing server (thousands to hundreds of rows per second) The (almost) slowest method is Replication Server (hundreds of rows per HOUR) Each has it’s strengths… January 14, 2019

11 Adding Data to IQ - 2 If a table is very volatile (CDR, CC Trans.) then you should use the LOAD command from flat files to load If the table changes during the day – but is not highly volatile (products, customers), then use INSERT … LOCATION, this is fast and does not have the complexity of the LOAD If the table changes very infrequently – but there are a lot of them (decode, dimensions) then use Rep. Server There is no right answer as to what to use for a load… January 14, 2019

12 Loading Back a few slides ago we mentioned Load_Memory_MB
I think that it is about time to shed some light on the IQ-M Load process Even although there is only 1 parameter to affect the load/insert (and delete!) processes, we need to understand it January 14, 2019

13 Loading – The Big Picture
Main Cache ASCII Flat File Load Memory Building Simple Index Pages Single Thread Per HNG, LF and FP Single Thread Pass 2 Multi Thread Temp. Cache 1 Sorting Groups Building B-Trees Single Thread Per HG (maybe 2) Row Delimited! Or it is Single Thread Raw IO Buffers Intermediate Buffers 2 Pass 1 1 3 IO Operations to Temp Store indicate Not Enough Temp. Cache Write of Completed HG B-tree G-Arrays and Bitmaps to Main Cache 2 Write of completed HNG, LF and FP Pages to Main IQ Store 3 Main IQ Store Write of completed HG B-trees, G-Arrays and Bitmaps to Main IQ Store Temp. IQ Store January 14, 2019

14 LOAD_MEMORY_MB If this is set to zero the system can, if required use an UNLIMITED amount of heap memory. The 500 MB limit for Load_Memory_MB is just a limit for this option. If you have set the option to 0 the system can use whatever it wants… So if you have limited memory, and fairly wide tables, it is probably a really good idea to set Load_Memory_MB to a number (maybe even 500) to prevent a possible Operating System Out_of_Memory error. January 14, 2019

15 Load Clause Row Delimited By Always, Always use this sub-clause
During the data read from disk, before the index creator threads are started the conversion process can be either parallel or serial Without Row Delimited By the process will always be serial This will triple the Load Pass1 times January 14, 2019

16 Append Load By default the system will always attempt to fill “deleted slots” in the table structure This can dramatically increase the load times as the system has to “search” for the “holes” in the columns (rowids with row_existence off) By setting the following option the server will “append” to the rowids – and ignore spaces in the table Append_Load Def OFF January 14, 2019

17 Low Fast Load - 1 LF_Bitmap_Cache_kb Def 4
By default, during a load, each distinct value for each LF index in a load has a heap that is 4 Kbytes in size If the distinct count for all LF indexes that are being loaded is greater than 20,000 (the manual says 10,000 – this is too low) then reduce this option as the system will start to use too much memory Memory usage can be checked using the IQ Monitor Memory = (LF_Bitmap_Cache_kb * 1024) * column_distinct_count January 14, 2019

18 Low Fast Load - 2 Remember this is in HEAP memory, not in the caches
So the heap can grow very large For a Writer Node, this is not too much of a problem, but Simplex units may suffer from this January 14, 2019

19 12.6 Changes – DML 1 Implicit Conversion for Binary to Bit Data
Non-zero binary values are converted to 1, zero to 0 ISDATE() and ISNUMERIC() functions But they are ASA functions – so slow again… Load Table Column Delimiters May be Multi-byte (up to 255 bytes) Load Table can be used for Temporary Tables and Global Temp Tables January 14, 2019

20 12.6 Changes – DML 2 IQ Message File Logging
Load and Delete details are no longer sent to the IQ Message File Set DDL_Option2 if you want this data 0 – no messages 1 – insert only 2 – delete only 3 – insert and delete messages January 14, 2019

21 Performance Delete Performance Improved
At least 25% faster Under certain circumstances up to 200% faster Sybase IQ Replication Performance From 3000 rows per hour (around 1 row per second) to 300,000 rows per hour (90 rows per second) January 14, 2019

22 Prefetch - 1 Prefetch_Sort_Percent Def. 20
Prefetch_Garray_Percent Def. 60 Garray Percent is the percentage of buffers (allocated to a client) that are used for read-ahead during HG searches (and loads) Sort Percent is the percentage of user buffers that can be used for sort buckets (over the whole system) This is a temp cache variable These are the only prefetch options that will/may speed up loading, as the HG is the only index that has a large READ component when loading, and also an HG has a large sort component in Pass 2 January 14, 2019

23 Wash Day (?) Remember the LRU MRU ?
The wash area and sweeper thread numbers can be controlled by Sweeper_Threads_Percent Def 10 Wash_Area_Buffers_Percent Def 20 The threads is the percentage of currently used threads on the server (so this is variable) The buffer percentage is the percentage of the WHOLE cache that is inside the wash area Use IQ Monitor to see when these need to changed January 14, 2019

24 Multiplex - Writer Configuration
Everything we have talked about in the course to date, regarding configuration, has been about balancing the servers for read and writer performance With IQ-M that need has been removed, we can tune each instance of IQ-M for a specific task The next few slides discuss what we would want to do to generate a write only server January 14, 2019

25 Multiplex - Writer Memory
Three things are important here The size of the Load Memory The size of the Main Cache The size of the Temp Cache Basically we are only concerned with having enough Main Cache to hold the FP, LF and HNG active pages We need s much Temp Cache as we can for the HG load The Load Memory should be pegged as high as we can make it January 14, 2019

26 IO Operations to Temp Store indicate Not Enough Temp. Cache
Loading small as we need Set to Max 500MB Main Cache ASCII Flat File Load Memory Building Simple Index Pages Single Thread Per HNG, LF and FP Single Thread Pass 2 Multi Thread Temp. Cache 1 Sorting Groups Building B-Trees Single Thread Per HG (maybe 2) large as possible Row Delimited! Or it is Single Thread Raw IO Buffers Intermediate Buffers 2 Pass 1 1 3 IO Operations to Temp Store indicate Not Enough Temp. Cache Write of Completed HG B-tree G-Arrays and Bitmaps to Main Cache 2 Write of completed HNG, LF and FP Pages to Main IQ Store 3 Main IQ Store Write of completed HG B-trees, G-Arrays and Bitmaps to Main IQ Store Temp. IQ Store January 14, 2019

27 Multiplex - Writer Main Cache - 1
The main cache for the writer should be as small as we can get away with We need space for the following pages/buffers FP Block Maps, Identity Pages, last pages LF Block Maps, Identity Pages, Bitmap Headers and last page of each bit map HNG Block Maps, Identity Pages, Bitmap Headers and last page of each bit map January 14, 2019

28 Multiplex - Writer Main Cache - 2
Notice there is no space allocated for the HG indexes The majority of the space requirements for the HG indexes is in Temp Cache However we will need to read in the B-trees and the G-Arrays for the HG index so don’t be slavish as to the smallness of the Main Cache January 14, 2019

29 Multiplex - Load and User Memory
Do not constrain this – unless you have a small amount of memory let IQ have as much Load Memory as it desires User Overhead will also be minimal, generally you will be only running one writer task at a time If you are running multiple table loads simultaneously, then remember each load could take over 500MB of Load Memory January 14, 2019

30 Multiplex - Writer Temp Cache
Whatever is left… And then check with IQ Monitor to confirm minimal disk activity into the Temp Store January 14, 2019

31 Multiplex - Reader Configuration
There are three areas to consider here What is the hardware configuration of the writer nodes Are they the same or different What is each reader going to run How are you partitioning the readers By User ID By Query Type Do you have Network Spoofing or Open Switch above the reader nodes? January 14, 2019

32 Load Errors - 1 When an error is detected in the incoming data stream during a load the default operation of the engine is to roll-back the entire load process. This is the ANSI standard. In 12.5 certain data issues during the load phase can be ignored and reported on. The data errors that can be trapped are: Uniqueness failures (duplicate rows) Data Conversion Errors (like alphabetic where only numeric will do!) Null errors (incoming NULL in a non-Null column) Foreign Key errors (Referential Integrity Errors) January 14, 2019

33 Load Errors - 2 For each of these errors a clause in the load process can detail how many errors will be processed before the load is aborted and rolled back (up to an infinite number), and what to do with the row in error. January 14, 2019

34 Load Errors - 3 LOAD [INTO] TABLE [ owner ].table-name
.. <stuff omitted> [IGNORE CONSTRAINT constrainttype [, ...]] [MESSAGE LOG ‘string’ ROW LOG ‘string’ [ONLY LOG logwhat, [...]] [LOG DELIMITED BY ‘string’] logwhat: { ALL | NULL | UNIQUE | DATA VALUE | FOREIGN KEY } constrainttype: { UNIQUE integer | NULL integer |FOREIGN KEY integer | DATA VALUE integer |ALL integer } January 14, 2019

35 Extracting Data - 1 In there are a series of options that can be used to direct the results of a select clause to a file The following can be set: The output filename The type of output (binary [swapped] or ASCII) Delimiter strings (column and row) Null handling January 14, 2019

36 Extraction Options - 1 Temp_Extract_Name (1 thru 8) default blank
Temp_Extract_Size (1 thru 8) default 0 (128GB) Temp_Extract_Binary default OFF Temp_Extract_Swap default OFF Temp_Extract_Column_Delimiter default ‘,’ Temp_Extract_Row_Delimiter default ‘\n’ Temp_Extract_Null_As_Zero default OFF Temp_Extract_Quote default ‘’ Temp_Extract_Quotes default OFF Temp_Extract_Quotes_all default OFF Note: A second select statement will overwrite the first output January 14, 2019

37 Extraction Options - 2 In 12.5 there is an APPEND option to allow for appending data to existing files For the append option in the extract options the file must exist. The append is a by product the primary reason for this is security – to allow the user to set up the file so it is only readable by Sybase and a specific user id. Fully qualified pathnames can be specified for the location of this file – it does not need to be in the java directory(!) January 14, 2019

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