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Egress and Fire Protection

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1 Egress and Fire Protection

2 Egress and Fire Protection
What could make employees need to escape quickly? What are the typical escape routes? What precautions are taken for fire protection and prevention?

3 Regulations 29 CFR 1910 Subparts E and L
29 CFR 1926 Subpart F – construction API RP 54 Section 7: Fire Protection and Prevention 6.10: Auxiliary Escape 9.3.10: At least 2 stairways on a drilling rig

4 Exit Routes, EAPs, and FPPs
29 CFR 1910 Subpart E

5 1910.34 Coverage Every employer is covered: Exit routes
through apply to workplaces in general industry Except mobile workplaces such as vehicles or vessels Exit routes Emergency action plans

6 (c) Definitions Exit: that portion of an exit route that is generally separated from other areas to provide a protected way of travel to the exit discharge. Exit access: that portion of an exit route that leads to an exit. Exit discharge: the part of the exit route that leads directly outside or to a street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space with access to the outside.

7 (c) Definitions Exit route: a continuous and unobstructed path of exit travel from any point within a workplace to a place of safety (including refuge areas). Consists of three parts: The exit access; The exit; and, The exit discharge. Equivalent to “Means of Egress” in the Life Safety Code and most local building and fire codes

8 1910.35 Compliance with NFPA 101-2000, Life Safety Code
Compliance with the exit route provisions of NFPA will be deemed to be in compliance with the corresponding requirements in § § , , NFPA

9 Design and Construction Requirements for Exit Routes
29 CFR Design and Construction Requirements for Exit Routes

10 1910.36(a)(1) Basic Requirement
An exit route must be a permanent part of the workplace Eat at Ma’s Place No ropes or rope ladders

11 1910.36(a)(2) Exit separated by fire resistant materials
Construction materials used to separate an exit from other parts of the workplace: 1 hour resistance 3 stories 2 hours resistance 4 stories 1 hour 2 hours

12 1910.36(a)(3) Openings into an exit must be limited
Openings into an exit: limited to those necessary to allow access to the exit Each opening must be protected by an approved self-closing fire door that remains closed or automatically closes in an emergency

13 1910.36(b) The number of exit routes must be adequate
At least 2 routes must be available Except for sufficiently small occupancy – see (b)(3) As far away from each other as practical in case one is blocked by fire or smoke More than 2 required if all cannot evacuate through 2 exit routes Life Safety Code can help with this determination

14 (c)(1) Exit Discharge Must lead directly outside or to a street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space with access to the outside Exit Discharge Offices Storage Discharge Exit access Exit Fabricating shop

15 (c)(2) Exit Discharge The street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space to which an exit discharge leads must be large enough to accommodate the building occupants likely to use the exit route

16 1910.36(c)(3) Exit Discharge EXIT
NOT AN EXIT Exit stairs that continue beyond the level of the exit discharge must be interrupted at that level by doors, partitions, or other effective means that clearly indicate the direction of travel leading to the exit discharge

17 1910.36(d) Exit door must be unlocked
Must be able to open exit route door From the inside at all times Without keys, tools, or special knowledge Panic bar is permissible No device or alarm that could restrict use of route if device fails Mental, penal, correctional facilities: exception with constant supervision & plan

18 1910.36(e)(1) A side-hinged exit door must be used
A side-hinged door must be used to connect any room to an exit route Must swing out in the direction of exit travel if room is designed for > 50 people or room is a high hazard area

19 1910.36(f) The capacity of an exit route must be adequate
Must support the maximum permitted occupant load for each floor served See factors for occupant load and capacity in NFPA Life Safety Code - Chapter 7

20 1910.36(f) The capacity of an exit route must be adequate
Exit route capacity may not decrease toward exit discharge

21 1910.36(g) Exit minimum height and width requirements
Ceiling at least 7’6” Any projection from the ceiling  6’8” Exit access  28 inches wide Including all objects projecting into route 7-½ ft. 6 ft.- 8 in.

22 1910.36(h) An outdoor exit route is permitted.
Same minimum height and width Additional requirements: Guardrails on unenclosed sides Covered if snow or ice likely to accumulate Unless snow removed before hazard Reasonably straight Smooth, solid, level walkways No dead end longer than 20 feet

23 Maintenance, safeguards, and operational features for exit routes
29 CFR Maintenance, safeguards, and operational features for exit routes

24 1910.37(a) The danger to employees must be minimized
Exit routes must be kept free of explosive or highly flammable furnishings or decorations No exit route may lead toward high hazard area, unless shielded

25 1910.37(a) The danger to employees must be minimized
Exit routes free and unobstructed: No materials/equipment may be placed within exit route Exit access must not go through a room that can be locked Safeguards must be kept in working order

26 1910.37(b) Lighting and marking must be adequate and appropriate
Exit routes adequately lighted Clearly visible and marked by a sign reading "Exit" No decorations or signs that obscure the visibility of exit route door

27 1910.37(b) Lighting and marking must be adequate and appropriate
If the direction of travel to the exit is not immediately apparent, signs must be posted indicating the direction of travel to the nearest exit Line-of-sight to an exit sign must clearly be visible at all times Way to exit is not apparent

28 1910.37(b) Lighting and marking must be adequate and appropriate
Each doorway or passage that could be mistaken for an exit must be marked "Not an Exit" or similar designation, or be identified by a sign indicating its actual use (e.g., closet)

29 1910.37(b) Lighting and marking must be adequate and appropriate
Each exit sign must be illuminated to a surface value of at least five foot-candles (54 lux) by a reliable light source and be distinctive in color The word "Exit" in plainly legible letters 6” Letters 3/4 inch thick

30 1910.37(d) Exit routes during construction, repairs, or alterations
Employees must not occupy a workplace until the exit routes are ready in occupied portion

31 1910.37(d) Exit routes during construction, repairs, or alterations
Employees must not be exposed to hazards from construction activities that are beyond the normal permissible conditions, or that would impede exiting the workplace

32 (e) Alarm system Alarm system must be installed and maintained in operable condition To warn of fire or other emergencies Unless employees can promptly see or smell fire or hazard in time Must comply with (in Subpart L)

33 Emergency Action Plans
29 CFR Emergency Action Plans

34 1910.38 Emergency action plans (EAP)
In writing Kept in the workplace Available to employees for review Employer with 10 or fewer employees may communicate the plan orally to employees

35 1910.38(c) Minimum elements of an emergency action plan
Procedures for reporting a fire or other emergency Procedures for emergency evacuation, including type of evacuation and exit route assignments Procedures for employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before evacuating

36 1910.38(c) Minimum elements of an emergency action plan
Procedures to account for all employees after evacuation Procedures to be followed by employees performing rescue or medical duties Name or job title of every employee who may be contacted by employees who need more information about the plan

37 Alarms, training, review
Alarm system must use distinctive signals for each purpose, comply with Designate and train employees to assist in safe, orderly evacuation of others Review of EAP with each employee: When plan developed or employee assigned When employee’s responsibilities under the plan change When the plan changes

38 29 CFR Fire Prevention Plans

39 1910.39(b) Written and oral fire prevention plans
Any required fire prevention plan must: Must be in writing, Be kept in the workplace, and Be made available to employees for review Employer with 10 or fewer employees may communicate the plan orally to employees

40 1910.39(c)(1) Minimum elements of a fire prevention plan
List of all major fire hazards Proper handling and storage procedures for hazardous materials Potential ignition sources and their control Type of fire protection equipment necessary to control each major hazard

41 1910.39(c)(1) Minimum elements of a fire prevention plan, cont’d
Procedures to control accumulations of flammable and combustible waste Maintenance procedures for safeguards on heat-producing equipment to prevent ignition of combustible materials Name or title of employees responsible for maintaining equipment to prevent or control sources of ignition or fires Name or title of employees responsible for control of fuel source hazards

42 1910.39(e) Employee information
An employer must inform employees upon initial assignment to a job of the fire hazards to which they are exposed. An employer must also review with each employee those parts of the fire prevention plan necessary for self-protection.

43 29 CFR Subpart L Fire Protection

44 Organization of 1910 Subpart L
155 Scope, application, definitions 156 Fire brigades 157 Portable fire extinguishers 158 Standpipe and hose systems 159 Automatic sprinkler systems Fixed extinguishing systems 164 Fire detection systems 165 Employee alarm systems

45 Scope, Application, and Definitions
29 CFR Scope, Application, and Definitions

46 Scope and Application Fire brigades, fire suppression equipment, fire detection systems, alarm systems Applies to all employments except maritime, construction, and agriculture

47 Definitions Class A fire: Ordinary combustible materials Class B fire:
Paper Wood Cloth Some rubber and plastic. Class B fire: Flammable or combustible liquids Flammable gases Greases Some rubber and plastic

48 Definitions Class C fire: Energized electrical equipment
Employee safety requires nonconductive extinguishing media Class D fire: Combustible metals Magnesium Titanium Zirconium Sodium Lithium Potassium

49 Definitions Dry chemical: small particles of chemicals supplemented for dryness and flow Bicarbonates Potassium chloride Monoammonium phosphate Dry powder: compound used to extinguish or control Class D fires

50 Definitions Enclosed structure:
Has a roof or ceiling and at least 2 walls May accumulate smoke, toxic gases and heat Foam: Bubbles form a blanket over liquid, sealing combustible vapors Gaseous agent: Diffuses uniformly to extinguish fires

51 29 CFR Fire Brigades

52 Scope and Application Organization, training, PPE
Fire brigades established by employer Industrial fire departments Private or contractual fire departments PPE requirements only apply to interior structural firefighting

53 Organization and Training
Organizational statement available Physical capability No heart disease, epilepsy, or emphysema without physician’s certificate of fitness Training and education Beforehand and frequently enough Examples of quality training programs Special hazards and written procedures

54 Firefighting Equipment
Maintain and inspect at least annually Portable fire extinguishers and respirators: inspect at least monthly Remove and replace unserviceable or damaged equipment

55 Protective clothing For interior structural firefighting
Not required for incipient stage firefighting Provide at no cost and assure use Protect head, body, and extremities Foot and leg protection Body protection Hand protection Head, eye, and face protection

56 Respiratory protection devices
Provided to and used by fire brigade members Meet as well SCBA requirements

57 Portable Fire Extinguishers
29 CFR Portable Fire Extinguishers

58 Scope and application Placement, use, maintenance, testing
For portable fire extinguishers to be used by employees inside structures (e) and (f) only if not for employee use Partial exemptions: Policy requiring total evacuation; FPP and EAP; extinguishers not present Only designated employees authorized

59 General requirements Provide, mount, locate and identify
Readily accessible to employees without possible injury Only approved fire extinguishers No carbon tetrachloride or chlorobromomethane extinguishers Maintain fully charged and operable in designated places

60 Selection and distribution
Based on fire classes, size of hazard Class A: 75 ft. travel distance to extinguisher, or standpipe Class B: 50 ft. travel distance to extinguisher Class C: Based on pattern for Class A/B Class D: 75 ft. travel distance to extinguishing agent

61 Fire Extinguisher Classes

62 Inspection, maintenance, and testing
Portable extinguishers or hose visually inspected monthly Annual maintenance check – record available Maintenance 6 years after recharge or hydrostatic test for dry chemical extinguishers with 12-year hydrostatic test requirements Alternate equivalent protection during maintenance/recharging

63 Hydrostatic testing Performed by trained persons with suitable testing equipment and facilities Test interval given for various types of extinguishers Tested when new evidence of corrosion or mechanical injury Details for various types

64 Training and education
If employees are to use fire extinguishers, the employer must educate them on principles and hazards EAP-designated employees trained on appropriate equipment Upon employment and at least annually

65 Standpipe and hose systems
For smaller systems – not Class I Protected against mechanical damage Repaired promptly if damaged Equipment: designed for prompt use Water supply: minimum 100 gal/min Tests and maintenance

66 1910.159-163: Sprinklers and Fixed Extinguishing Systems
Sprinklers – only if required by OSHA Fixed extinguishing systems Discharge alarms and safeguards Inspection and maintenance PPE for rescue of employees trapped Dry chemical Gaseous agent Water spray and foam

67 Fire detection systems
Restore to normal condition ASAP after each test or alarm – spares available Maintenance and testing Protect from corrosion, physical impact Do not support by wires or tubing Designed to operate in time, provide a warning Delay only if necessary for immediate safety

68 Employee alarm systems
All local fire alarm signaling systems used to alert employees Enough warning for emergency action of safe escape Perceived above ambient noise/light Tactile devices when necessary Distinctive and recognizable

69 Employee alarm systems
Explain to each employee how to report emergencies Establish procedures for emergency alarm Restore to normal condition ASAP after each test or alarm – spares available

70 Employee alarm systems
Maintain in operating condition except during repairs or maintenance Test for reliability/adequacy every 2 months if unsupervised Back-up means of alarm when out of service Supervised systems notify personnel of deficiencies – test once/year

71 Employee alarm systems
Manually operated actuation devices (fire alarm pulls) Unobstructed Conspicuous Readily accessible

72 Fire Protection on Oil and Gas Well Sites
API RP 54 Fire Protection on Oil and Gas Well Sites

73 API RP 54 Requirements Drilling rigs: at least 4 20-pound capacity, Class BC rated fire extinguishers Well servicing rigs: at least 2 20-pound capacity, Class BC rated fire extinguishers Available near all welding Firefighting equipment also includes water hoses and drilling fluid guns

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