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Chuck Gerba, Patricia Gundy, Kelly Bright

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1 Validation for the Ultraviolet Light Atlantium Water Disinfection System
Chuck Gerba, Patricia Gundy, Kelly Bright PROJECT PROPOSAL UA-P02-F2018 STATUS: NEW Relationship to Technology Roadmap: Municipal Water Use Practices and Wastewater Reuse Background: Approach: Laboratory dose response studies for adenovirus 4 with Dr. Karl Linden at the University of Colorado Full scale testing of dose needed for inactivation of 4 to 5 logs of adenovirus 2. Different flow rates through the plant are used to vary/determine the UV light dose Model of dose needed for inactivation of adenoviruses The USEPA requires disinfection of drinking water The most resistant waterborne viruses to Ultraviolet Light Disinfection are the Adenoviruses Medium vapor pressure UV light technology means fewer lamps and less energy Objectives: Key Deliverables: Validate the dose requirement at a full scale water treatment plant for Adenovirus 4 at the UV Center Validation and Research Center in Albany, New York. Demonstrate EPA 4 log virus credit for drinking water is feasible. Validation of dose requirements for adenovirus 4 by a medium vapor pressure UV light system Budget Requested: Year 1 $30,000 Project Duration: December 1, 2018 – June 1, 2019 Water & Environmental Technology Center

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