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Mercantilism Nations power directly tied to its wealth.

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Presentation on theme: "Mercantilism Nations power directly tied to its wealth."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEQ:How did British policies and Political Issues influence American colonies?

2 Mercantilism Nations power directly tied to its wealth

3 Balance of Trade Theory that a country should export more than it imports

4 Balance of Trade (continued)
England banned colonies from trading with other countries

5 Navigation Acts Series of laws to control colonial trade and ensure English profits

6 Navigation Acts 1651- All goods from the colonies needed to sail on English ships

7 Navigation Acts 1660- Ships had to have an English crew and captain

8 Navigation Acts 1663- All items shipped from colonies passed through England to be taxed

9 Navigation Acts 1673- Colonial merchants in the colonies paid tax on certain goods

10 Dominion of New England
New England, New York and New Jersey were under one colony

11 Dominion of New England
Forced colonists to have church services from Church of England

12 Dominion of New England
Strictly enforced Navigation Acts

13 Glorious Revolution Parliament replaces King James II with Mary and William of Orange

14 Glorious Revolution Northern colonies refuse to swear allegiance
Split New Hampshire from Massachusetts. Colonist refuse Navigation Acts.

15 Glorious Revolution English Bill of Rights Limits on kings power
Parliament- freedom of speech & control over taxes

16 Let’s See It mtO8k (2 min)

17 Colonies React Removed governor Andros and sent him back to England.
Ended the Dominion of New England Colonies granted assembly to help create laws

18 Salutary Neglect The colonies benefited from being left alone.

19 Vocabulary Development
Complete the vocabulary visual development boxes for Plantations, Navigation Acts and Mercantilism.

20 Colonial Life om/watch?v=p47tZLJb dag (11 min)

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