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Requirements Factoring Themes

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1 Requirements Factoring Themes
Problem Decomposition Actionable problem statement(s) Functions Processes Affected Systems Affected Roles Data Stakeholder needs Solution Boundaries Deadlines Controls Cost limits Interim or permanent Evolution or big bang Local, regional, or global Process synchronization points Problem Context Business impacts Acceptable trade offs Potential changes for problem definition Influences Priority Audiences User Functional Solution Constraints Other

2 Quality Measures Cheat Sheet
Definition Questions to Ask Complete All conditions of use or action are specified. Requirement as stated can be understood on its own. What are the conditions for this requirement to apply? What exceptions are there? Consistent Does not contradict other requirements or itself. Is this in opposition to other requirements? Does this overlap or restate other requirements? Correct As stated accurately states the business need. As stated, does this reflect the business need in the business case? Have the business rules been confirmed by the correct SME? Modifiable Stated so that there changes to scope or applicability can be made completely and consistently without changes to other requirements Is the requirement stated to stand on its own? Is the scope of the requirement defined? Prioritized / categorized Stakeholder has identified where this requirement ranks based on a category scheme Sample categories: Mandatory or optional Order of delivery: ASAP, first, second…., by x, 30 days later … Interim solution needed; only a temporary solution needed Connection with other requirements Verifiable Objective criteria provided to state when requirement has been satisfied. Do the requirements rely on subjective judgment? Are the criteria specified for all conditions of occurrence or use? Traceable Requirement is sufficiently unique that it can be identified and traced Is there a unique id? Are related requirements identified? Parent / child / dependent Unambiguous Clearly stated with no ambiguity or vagueness Are there multiple meanings for the statement? Is the requirement too general, applying in too many cases? Necessary A need for the business to achieve the goals of the business case 1. Is this requirement met in the current situation? If so, does the solution need to be changed? Feasible Requirement can be satisfied or has been satisfied Has any other organization met this requirement? Can our organization deliver a solution? Can any organization deliver a solution? Understandable Requirement does not contain specialized or obscure language that is unfamiliar to stakeholders and is stated directly and simply. Can you phrase the requirement for an executive? Can you phrase the requirement for an accountant? Can you phrase the requirement for the customer service department? Can you phrase the requirement for a developer? Quality Measures Cheat Sheet In a 1988 study for the U.S. Air Force, the Mitre Corporation compiled this list of common practices that lead to “fuzzy” requirements. Some of the items that were listed: Incomplete lists that end in etc., and/or, TBD(to be determined), including but not limited to, … Imprecise verbs such as handled, processed Vague words such as generally, normally, practical Unintended implications of certainty: always, never, every Passive voice phrases: the counter is set Pronouns for which references are not clear Unclear comparatives: earlier, easiest, most valuable Unquantified attributes: flexible, intuitively obvious, efficient, organized Ambiguous words: quickly, adjacent, last Contractually troublesome phrases: where applicable, to the extent practical

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