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Stakeholders Seminar on ISLA & CIM

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1 Stakeholders Seminar on ISLA & CIM
Overview &Achievements of the Implimentation of Land Administration System in Amhara Region Getahun Alemenh EPLAUA May 11-12, 2009 Bahir Dar 1/14/2019

2 Contents Organizational Structure & Problems
Legal framework & Publication Capacity Building Legal Development Registration & Certification coverage Investment & Land Supply Resettlement Programm Succees Factors 1/14/2019

3 Old organizational Structure
Manager EPLAUA Deputy manager LARD (9) LUD (26) EPPRD (10) LAT LRT. Desks(106) LAUC(2900) 1/14/2019

4 Background Jan.2002 – Jun.2005 Man power situation
Number of positions 9 No EPLAUA representative at the zone initially but one expert end of 2005 Woreda EPLAUA organized Desk level subordinated to WOoARD with 7 positions 1/14/2019

5 Past problems of EPLAUA
Major issues of the period Limited No. job positions Shortage of human resource in terms of quantity & quality Problems related to organizational structure and power 1/14/2019

6 Legal framework & publication
Rural Land Administration and use (RLAU) Policy formulated in July 2000 RLAU Proc. 46/2000 enacted and was in force of action since 2006. 1/14/2019

7 Legal framework & publication
Proc.46/2000 implementation directive is also made in force of action Directive for the Acquisition of rural land for Investment purposes Directive for free Acquisition of rural land for Forestry development 1/14/2019

8 Legal framework & publication
Registration & recording of data into book of register and coding system guideline 1/14/2019

9 Legal framework & publication
3.5 million Book of Holding & 30,000 Book of Register were published (state financed) 1/14/2019

10 Dep. structure is revised & job positions were increased to 25
July – Dec., 2008 Dep. structure is revised & job positions were increased to 25 Agreement made between EPLAUA, BDU & KTH for the training of professionals Accountability is shifted from BOARD to President office 1/14/2019

11 July. 2005 – Dec., 2008 January 2009 to date
At Zone & Woreda the same pattern is followed Zone & Woreda become an independent offices with (14 &19 positions) January 2009 to date Change of LARD to RLASDWP The work process has 29 job positions Zone EPLAUO has 8 positions Woreda EPLAUO has 7 positions Kebele level 1 expert 1/14/2019

12 Capacity Building Land Admin. piloting is done & lessons have been drawn that enable the dev’t of the way of working Koga Irrigation project & Among others 23 Surveyors trained by international trainer, Computerized registration system developed and functional System is functional in 33 Woredas 1/14/2019

13 Capacity Building 15+2 staff members graduated from KTH MSC level in Land Management BDU is chosen as a center of Excellence for land Administration. The efforts made Surveying Equipments, vehicles, computers software available 1/14/2019

14 Capacity Building Legal Development
EPLAUA served as a center of experience exchange for other regions Legal Development Due to various reasons the land law in force was revised & replaced with Proc.133/2006 Regulation No.51/2007 enacted & come in to force 1/14/2019

15 Legal development Implementation directive for the revised Proc.& regulation is reached grass root level Irrigable land surveying, registration, mapping & distribution directive Land Valuation & compensation Directive 1/14/2019

16 Legal Development Registration procedure & guideline Future need
Legal framework study conducted Land Registration & Surveying Regulation (Draft state) 1/14/2019

17 Registration & Certification Status
3,447,267 holdings registered, 1,974,881 Primary book of holding 1,612 Secondary book of holding is issued to holders 1/14/2019

18 Effects of Certification
The trust built among holders is most recognized Results from rural survey conducted in 2003, 2006 & 2008 is the evidence 2003 2006 2008 Trust/sense of land right security 27% 82.8 92.9% 1/14/2019

19 Investment & Land supply
EPLAUA role is preparation of land & making land -lease contract with investors and administration of contracts. 683 investors took land lease contract to investment on 187,083 ha 1/14/2019

20 Investment & Land supply
291,009 ha of land is Identified & surveyed for investment promotion Surveying & delivery of map for individual investment farms 1/14/2019

21 77,498 families are resettled
Resettlement program Task: surveying, demarcation of land for housing and cultivation and allocation of land for settlers . 77,498 families are resettled 3, ha for housing and homestead cultivation and 86, ha for crop cultivation is allocated. 1/14/2019

22 Success factors Land holders demand Political commitment
SARDP/SIDA support Experience gained ”learning by doing” & Indegious system Donors Conference held in 2005 able to draw donors attention Example Austria Development cooperation AMREW- USAID Project ELAP-USAID support SLM- world Bank support Irrigation Projects 1/14/2019

23 Thank you 1/14/2019

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