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Bell Ringers 1. Why is health education important?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringers 1. Why is health education important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringers 1. Why is health education important?
2. How can one’s behavior have a negative influence on one’s health?

2 Objectives Students will know what health is
Students will understand how each side of the health triangle affects the other 2 sides Students will be able to identify the 3 sides of the health triangle

3 What is Health? Health- The combination of your physical, mental/emotional, and social wellbeing.

4 Health Triangle Each side effects the other and they are all interconnected.

5 Physical Health physical- the way your body parts and systems work together. a. proper nutrition b. regular physical activity c. adequate sleep

6 Mental/Emotional Health
Feelings about yourself, how well you relate to others, how well you meet the demands of daily life. a. developing thinking skills b. enjoy learning c. see mistakes as opportunities to learn, grow, and change.

7 Social Health . social- the way you get along with others
a. ability to make and keep friends b. seeking and lending support when necessary

8 Health Triangle Activity

9 Health Status The sum total of positive and negative influences a person chooses. - All of the decisions that you make in your lifetime. * Behavior has the most influence in determining your health status!

10 Promoting Your Health Many deaths can be prevented if people practice healthy habits 1. Lifestyle Factors-personal behaviors and habits related to the way a person lives that help determine his/her level of health. a hrs. of sleep b. balanced diet c. refrain from smoking d. exercise at least 3 x’s a week e. no alcohol or drugs f. maintain recommended weight

11 Influences on your Health

12 Heredity Heredity- all the traits and properties that are passed from parent to child.

13 Environment Environment- sum total of your surroundings-physical conditions in which you live. a. physical environment- things around you. 1. indoor 2. outdoor b. social environment- family and other people who you come in contact with daily. 1. peers- people who are the same age and have similar interests. 2. negative peer pressure- peers who take part in dangerous, unhealthy or illegal behavior. c. cultural environment- collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. 1. gives you a sense of identity in a multicultural world 2. religion 3. regions 4. friends

14 Behavior -you have little control over your heredity and environment but: You have a great deal over your behavior!! Being able to take charge of your health is very important.

15 Taking Charge of YOUR Health

16 Risk Factors Risk Factors: actions or behaviors that represent a potential health threat and can contribute to unintentional injuries. 1. tobacco use 2. drug and alcohol use 3. sexual behaviors 4. unhealthy eating 5. physical inactivity

17 Cumulative Risk Factors-
Risks that increase gradually and may add up to a total that is greater than expected. 1. sunburn 2. smoking 3. drug use


19 Part One: Physical Health
For each statement that follows answer YES or No on your paper depending upon whether the statement is true for you. I get at least eight (8) hours of sleep each night. I eat a well balanced diet, including a healthful breakfast each day. I keep my body, teeth, and hair clean I do at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day. I avoid using tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. I see a doctor and dentist for regular checkups.

20 Part Two: Mental/Emotional Health
For each statement that follows answer YES or No on your paper depending upon whether the statement is true for you. I generally feel good about myself and accept who I am I express my feelings clearly and calmly, even when I am angry I accept helpful criticism I have at least one activity that I enjoy I feel like people like and accept me. I like to learn new information and develop new skills

21 Part Three: Social Health
For each statement that follows answer YES or No on your paper depending upon whether the statement is true for you. I have at least one close friend I respect and care for my family I know how to disagree with others without getting angry I am a good listener I get support from others when I need it I say no if people ask me to do something harmful or wrong

22 Graphing your results Add up the number of yes answers for each of the 3 main categories of health that you just answered questions for Choose a symbol to represent each YES answer (example a baseball) Use your symbols to form a Health Triangle to represent your scores

23 Label your chart- My Health Triangle
Physical Social Mental

24 Think about it? Does your Health Triangle have equal sides?
Is there one area that you are strong in? Is there an area that you need to work on?

25 Write a summary What can you do to improve your health and balance your triangle?

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