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Ch Test is on Wednesday (warm-ups due on day of test)

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1 Ch. 12-13 Test is on Wednesday (warm-ups due on day of test)
ECONOMICS: October 26 Warm-up What is the relationship between GDP and unemployment? Why? (be specific) Learning Target In order to understand the causes and consequences of instability in the U.S. economy, I will analyze the civilian unemployment rate. I will know I have it when I can: (1) calculate a hypothetical unemployment rate; (2) explain why the rate as reported may be over- or understated, etc. Ch. 13, Lesson 3 Student Lecture Guide (HO) --warm-up (on handout) --key terms --underemployment --unemployed --long-term unemployed --underestimating unemployment --unemployment graph --protecting against unemployment Closure What can you do at this time of your life to give yourself a better chance to get the type of job you want? Assignment --Read Ch. 13, Lesson 2 --Ch Test Review (HO) Ch Test is on Wednesday (warm-ups due on day of test)

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