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Absence of Any and All Absurd Ancient Practices in the Bible

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2 Absence of Any and All Absurd Ancient Practices in the Bible
Not one abominable prescription Not one harmful remedy or silly signature Not one magical concoction of ingredients Not one superstitious diagnosis Not one reference to such cures as excrement, bile, urine, animal fat, skinned mice If the product of human knowledge, it would have included some form of human medical knowledge from that day Moses penned the most advanced, flawless medical prescriptions ever recorded to that point in time

3 Biblical Sanitation Laws Prove You Can Trust the Bible
Sanitation Regarding Dead Bodies Touching a dead body made a person unclean (Num. 19:11-12) An open vessel near a dead body was unclean (Num. 19:14-16) To be clean required washing body and clothes (Num. 19:19) Anything an unclean person touched became unclean (19:22)

4 Biblical Sanitation Laws Prove You Can Trust the Bible
Sanitation Regarding Dead Bodies Sanitation Regarding Human Waste Mosaic law stressed the importance of correct disposal of human waste (Deut. 23:12-13) Sanitation Regarding Quarantine The leper was to be isolated and quarantined (Lev. 13:46) The leper was to “cover his upper lip” (Lev. 13:45) The leper’s garments were to be “burned in the fire” (13:52-57) No other law in ancient history rivaled these regulations!

5 Biblical Food Laws Prove You Can Trust the Bible
“Unclean” animals were not eaten (Lev. 11:4) Water life without “fins & scales” not to be eaten (11:12) Reptiles were not to be eaten (Lev. 11:3, 29-31) Pork was not to be eaten (Lev. 11:7; Deut. 24:18)

6 Biblical Circumcision Laws Prove You Can Trust the Bible
Baby boy to be circumcised on the 8th day (Lev. 12:3; Gen. 17:12-14) Modern medicine has discovered that: Circumcision can lessen the chances of getting certain diseases and infections The 8th day is the perfect day to do major surgery on a baby boy, for vitamin K & prothrombin levels are 110% of normal

7 If the Bible Can Be Trusted with My Physical Well-Being, What About My Spiritual Well-Being?
God knows what is best for you (Deut. 10:13; 6:24)! Because of my personal choices, I am sick in sin (Rom. 3:23) Because of my sin, I am weak and lost (1 Co. 3:1-3; Isa. 59:1-2) Because of my sin, I am dying right now (Jas. 1:13-15) If I do nothing about my sin, I will ultimately suffer eternal death (Rom. 6:23) Only the blood of Jesus can cleanse me (Mt. 26:28; Eph. 1:7)! Only in penitent baptism can I be cleansed (Acts 2:38; 22:16)! Do you trust what God tells you?

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